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Author Topic: supermax ycm-40 with anilam crusaider m to mach  (Read 2646 times)

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supermax ycm-40 with anilam crusaider m to mach
« on: November 30, 2013, 09:13:58 PM »
control took a dump on me been looking around to convert it over I want to keep the old dc drives was thinking on using the drives from cnc4pc DG4S-016035  and smoothstep but don't have a clue on what else I need if some one could help me out with a parts list it would be apperciated

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Re: supermax ycm-40 with anilam crusaider m to mach
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2013, 06:59:34 AM »
Not quite sure what you are meaning as you say you want to keep the old drives but then say you will buy the DG4S drives.
If keeping the original drives you will need a controller such as CSMIO/IP-A or DSPMC or Kflop/Kanalog or Galil.
If using one of these then you can keep the original drives.

If going with DG4S drives  and SmoothSteper then you will have to convert all the I/O to 5v.

Personally I would take the first approach as it would allow you to keep the industry standard 24v I/O (which I assume your machine will be) as it is much more noise immune and likely will require less wiring. It will possibly require more understanding of how things are wired at present.
