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Author Topic: M8 Flood output not working  (Read 2385 times)

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M8 Flood output not working
« on: October 06, 2013, 11:20:16 PM »
hey all,

I am setting up a flood output and M8 does not turn on the output.  I am using output 5 port 1. 

The output works when I use the "output tab" under "Ports and Pins".  I test this by setting Output#1 to enable and use on port 1 pin 5.  Then I select active high then active low and the output toggles. I then turn this output off and go to the "Spindle setup" and enable "flood mist control" and set my output to pin 5. 

I have tested the output two different ways.  1) I go to the diagnostic page and toggle flood and nothing happens. 2) run code with a M8 and it does not turn on.  Also,  When I restart the PC the output it on which is odd but I can live with that. 

I think I do not have to setup an output since the manual states it is automatic. Also,  all other outputs run fine, XYZ and spindle.

What am I missing?


Phill D.
Re: M8 Flood output not working
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2013, 12:56:32 AM »
Figured it out.  under M8 is states output # and I was thinking pin #