Hi, I been working on this for days now, and I am loosing my mind.
I know this is going to be something so simple and stupig but I cant figure it out.
in short,
- when I hit the "ref all home" button. the Z axis traveling down slowly (as I assume it should)
- I hit Escape to ignore that axis, and want to move on to the X or the Y, but what is happening, is after hiitting the ESCAPE the first time, the whole thing stops moving, it never moves on to the Next axis.
In the online video, "homing, limits and offsets" the person doing the video shows how its showing his Y in reverse, hits escape, and the X is in reverse. he never mentions anything about the Z.
so, for me, I am perplexed, its only the z that is moving.
anyone please, put me out of my misery!