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Author Topic: Newbie help request: Limit stops and configuring MAch 3 for them  (Read 4158 times)

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Good day all,

I been lurking for a while, even fixed a few problems using the forums, but This one has me kind of stumped.

I still havent cut anything yet, I am done my conversion, and I installed my limit stops, but after watching one of the video's, I think I want to change it.

I was half hoping someone here has done it, or can point me down the right path.

My hardware:
 - X2 Clone
 - G540 Gecko controller and 3axis steppers
 - cnc Fusion x2 kit.

So basically, I have wired up my mill using 6 limit switches all in series in a NC State, so if any trip, the whole thing stops.  and that more or less works.

But after watching one of the video's,  I got the impression I might get better control and better zero'ing capability if I wired up the switches independently.

But as far as I can tell, I believe the Gecko only has 4 inputs (at least that I can tell) and I need 6 to do it properly.

is it better to wire up the 6 switches independently? or can I achieve this zero'ing capability differently?

Re: Newbie help request: Limit stops and configuring MAch 3 for them
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2013, 05:27:31 AM »
so in my Continuing research, I think I may have figured out where I goofed!

I found this article:   http://www.cnczone.com/forums/gecko_drives/75368-g540_wiring_diagram_dummies.html

now, I realize this is kind of what I am trying to achieve, but it confused me because they only used 3 switches (4 if you count the A axis)

But I used 6, but after thinking about it, I am wondering Did I need to use 6? or is 3 enough, and just using the Soft limits in Mach 3 to not let it go over other end?

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: Newbie help request: Limit stops and configuring MAch 3 for them
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2013, 07:41:00 AM »
Hi Menglor,

I would use 6 limit switches and it will make no difference to Mach3 operation if they are connected to separate inputs or if they are all connected in series to just one input - they can still be used for homing and limit.

Re: Newbie help request: Limit stops and configuring MAch 3 for them
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2013, 08:29:45 AM »
Hi Menglor,

I would use 6 limit switches and it will make no difference to Mach3 operation if they are connected to separate inputs or if they are all connected in series to just one input - they can still be used for homing and limit.


I guess what I need to do is  change the pin numbers for x ++ , x--, x home, y++ ...  set them all to pin 1?  if I understand what your saying, this seems to be the logical choice.

I am a software tester by profession, man I would soooo HATE to have to write a test plan for this thing,  its SOOO many things to play with :D