I recently picked up a little milling machine and control box that recommends Mach3. Unfortunately I cant seem to get any response from the machine despite trying both on board and pci parallel ports. When using the on board port it appeared that the pin out may have been wrong on my dongle as it showed y axis stop switch needed to be on low setting and the other axes needed to be normal. On top of that there was no indication when manually tripping the stop switches. I know the port is being recognized (maybe improperly) because the led indicators on the pins in the diagnostic tab changes when the controller is turned on. I can control the machine using a handheld controller plugged into the control box and it runs smoothly. I have followed all the troubleshooting advice I can find on site here and across the cnc forums in general without solving the problem; including ensuring the pin and port designation. I will include computer details below and would be very appreciative of any advice or ideas to get this setup running on with Mach.
OS: windows xp pro 32bit sp3
MB: MSI A55M-P33 w/ AMD A4-3400 processor (has on board expansion for parallel, but pin out may be atypical)
PCI Parallel: Rosewill RC304 (does not appear to be recognized properly by the software despite setting correct port)
Controller is JY5300 made by a company called MIB instruments (works with hand controller but the parallel port here could be an issue, doubtful in my opinion as it was tested on sight before shipping and packaged with enough foam to survive an airdrop)
As I said above, any input would be appreciated before I lose more hair over the troubleshoot and I'm about to build a homemade port tester on a breadboard to run the port issue to ground but would rather not have to start another project to finish this one (as this course of action has led to many a sleepless week on prior endeavors)
Thanks to all who consider a solution,
Will Hurley