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Author Topic: Please help W/ Mitsubishi MR-J2S and MACH 3 "PLEASE"  (Read 34881 times)

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Re: Please help W/ Mitsubishi MR-J2S and MACH 3 "PLEASE"
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2012, 07:58:37 AM »
Any experience or opinions with the Apollo board?
" I'm not crazy, but may be a carrier"

Offline simpson36

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Re: Please help W/ Mitsubishi MR-J2S and MACH 3 "PLEASE"
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2012, 08:10:00 AM »
Regarding the CSMIO, yes it is more expensive but when you look at what you get it starts to look cheaper. Hood

You make excellent arguments as always, but I did not intend to imply that the product was not worth the price for a new install, only that it is not justifiable to replace what I already have which is working OK. Certainly is is an option I will look at along with Kflop and whatever else might be around when it comes time to set up my new mill. The only thing that is certain is that I am sticking with Mitsubishi drives (and motors). Everything else (including MACH) is in the crosshairs.

Incidentally, to the OP and anyone else interested, the interface board sets that I make are $50 for the set of three boards; 4 circuit input, 4 circuit output and e-stop collector or swapaxis. I can't make one set at a time or accommodate individual requests, but I am scheduled to make a batch of InTurn™ controllers in the first or second week of December to go with the the new 4th axis that are shipping soon. I can make up extra boards at that time. Send me a PM if interested.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2012, 08:17:44 AM by simpson36 »
Re: Please help W/ Mitsubishi MR-J2S and MACH 3 "PLEASE"
« Reply #22 on: November 18, 2013, 06:34:23 AM »
I know Old post! just wonder if there any progress ?
 I use this Mitsu J2 drives in my 4 axis mill for 5 years now. Configured in position mode, step direction, similar to Simpson's ( not as nice looking :-) interface boards, I made point to point on prototype pcb with sink Fet switch's from parallel port no differential output needed frequency low and short wires ( can use screened cables) 4 Mitsu drives and all in old PC box, with correct grounding, no trouble at all.
P.S. on multi-axis Mitsu adaptive servo loop tuning not bad but axis coordination in 3d milling all-over the place! Manual tuning of J2S is a big pain!
Hens I'm working on Galil DMC4080+ Mitsu in Torque mode project. 
Re: Please help W/ Mitsubishi MR-J2S and MACH 3 "PLEASE"
« Reply #23 on: October 29, 2014, 11:16:06 AM »
Hi All,
Looking at several threads about the CSMIO/IP-A (most with Hoods great feedback) I am just about ready to order. I have worked with typical step/dir steppers with LinuxCNC in the past but am still unsure how to connect Mitsubushi MR-J2S-40A in speed mode with pins ST1 (CCW)/ST2 (CW) to the controller and configure in Mach. Have most of my pin layout for the 4-axis mill conversion planned out. Has anyone used the Mitsu controllers with CSMIO IP-A? Any diagram/layout you can share?


Offline Hood

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Re: Please help W/ Mitsubishi MR-J2S and MACH 3 "PLEASE"
« Reply #24 on: October 29, 2014, 02:26:32 PM »
ST1 and ST2 look to be just what other drives call Fwd and Rev enables. If that is the case then you just permanently wire them to  SG.


Edit, on further reading it seems they are not simply enables like on other drives. Will have to read further and see if it explains things a bit more. If however they do need enabled one at a time dependent on direction then I am not sure there would be a suitable solution.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2014, 02:34:50 PM by Hood »

Offline Hood

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Re: Please help W/ Mitsubishi MR-J2S and MACH 3 "PLEASE"
« Reply #25 on: October 29, 2014, 02:47:54 PM »
Ok reading further in the manual it suggests that you can connect just one of them dependent on which direction you wish for a positive voltage signal.
For example if you short ST1 to SG and apply a positive voltage to your analogue input the motor will rotate CCW, if you then reverse the polarity it will rotate CW.
It is the opposite for ST2.

So looks like you connect either one of them depending on which direction you wish the motor to rotate with a positive voltage signal and just leave it connected and the other disconnected.

Pic attached of the page in the manual.

Re: Please help W/ Mitsubishi MR-J2S and MACH 3 "PLEASE"
« Reply #26 on: October 29, 2014, 09:24:30 PM »
Thanks Hood for the reply.
I sent the same details to CSMIO and have not heard back from them. Support seems quite delayed.
My understanding is I would connect ST1/ST2 to analog outputs but not sure about configuration. Just finishing reimaging a dedicated PC (win7-32bit) then loading CSMIO s/w + Mach3 little later. Will try to walk through the configuration. If it all makes sense then I will order the CSMIO-IP/A. Other option to explore Kflop/Kanalog but I like the industrial packaging of the CSMIO products.

Still hoping someone has experience with CSMIO and Mitsu drives and can share details :-)
Re: Please help W/ Mitsubishi MR-J2S and MACH 3 "PLEASE"
« Reply #27 on: October 30, 2014, 01:07:20 AM »
IP/A does not support single ended step/dir so need to make sure I get this correct. Only differenital signals so back to the Mitsu manual again   ???
Does it make sense LSP/LSN are the the differential dir and ST1/ST2 are the differential step? (pg 3-16 and 3-17)

Offline Hood

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Re: Please help W/ Mitsubishi MR-J2S and MACH 3 "PLEASE"
« Reply #28 on: October 30, 2014, 03:53:27 AM »
The IP-A is not Step/Dir it is analogue +/- 10v.
The Mitsu drive can be configured for Step/Dir (Position) or Analogue command (Speed or Torque). You would use Analogue command if using the IP-A and most likely Speed rather than Torque.
Below is how I think you would connect the drive up.


« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 03:56:33 AM by Hood »

Offline simpson36

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Re: Please help W/ Mitsubishi MR-J2S and MACH 3 "PLEASE"
« Reply #29 on: October 30, 2014, 07:30:39 AM »
While I have not set up a Mitsu for analog, I am familiar with them and might be able to clarify a couple of things.

SON (Servo On) which I also refer to as Enable , must be grounded to SG (Signal Ground) to enable the Drive. Depending on what the servo is used for, it may or may not be useful to use this signal rather than just tying it off to ground. For example of a lathe head or mill spindle, you will want to disable the drive in order to have the spindle freewheel.

EMG (Emergency) vs ALM (Alarm):   EMG is an E-Stop TO the drive. This should be permanently grounded since MACH takes care of E-stopping drives.

ALM is the drives 'Fault Line' and is connected to MACH E-stop

The Start/Stop and Limits seem to be intended for continuous running until a stop (limit switch) is encountered.  Both limits should be grounded (i.e. the limit switched have not been hit) and I *think* both starts should be open. Direction of rotation is configurable in the drive's parameters.

P15R and LG are a special isolated pair (power) for analog pots that set limits on speed, torque, etc.  They are not signals.

I *think* you only need VC as the analogue input signal. Again, I have not done a Miitsu with analog and all of the above is from memory. I have the full Mitsu manuals is anyone needs them.

Important notes:

The Miitsu is 24V interface. The J2S has its own 24V internally and normally the signals are ON when grounded to SG , but this is configurable, so make sure it is set this way if that is how you wire it up.


Signal Grounding:

I have a lot of experience with the Mitsu and while it is not made particularly clear in the manuals, the power side and signal side of the drives are isolated and should stay that way. Grounding the Mistu signals back to the Mitsu is the most reliable way to run them. If you ground a signal to the power side of the drive, to your BOB, motion controller, a chassis or any other ground, you may experience a lot of spooky problems like the motors mysteriously creeping all by themselves.

I recommend running the Mitsu signals thru an Opto or SSR  back to the Mistu SG. Use your BOB to trip the Opto or SSR.

Mitsu Outputs:

Mitsu outputs have no current limiting so they are very easy to fry. If you connect the output directly to BOB or other device without current limiting of some kind,  you will fry the output and possibly the BOB or motion controller as well. There are ways to test your BOB or other device to see is it has current limiting and what it is limited to, but that's a different discussion. I find it safer and more reliable to run the drive signals thru isolators to eliminate any possible damage.

I recommend running the outputs by taking 24V power from the drive, running it thru a 400 Ohm power resistor and then using the resulting power thru appropriate optos or SSR back to the Mistu Outputs. Take the signal for your BOB, motion control or whatever off the Opto or SSR.

There are a lot of ways to design an interface scheme, but the overriding requirement is to limit the current you run thru the Drive's outputs.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 07:47:01 AM by simpson36 »