One of the 10th grade boys on the robotics team built a little router table out of wood ( 12" x 12" table ). Just used reqular threaded rod and bought a controller board for about $60. He is using a dremel for the router. Somebody gave him a power supply, and he bought three small steppers for around $ 40. So he has maybe $100
into this thing from his paper route money. He uses a free Cad program and Mach demo. He is having a blast. He said if he takes a liking to it maybe he will save up and do a beefed up version.
Point is, that this kid will have learned so much on most about the major components of the system and software and will be very prepared to make decisions on his owne. He knew nothing about electronics, Mach, CAD, and his dad cut up the junk wood to make the router.
Now it's not fancy, but he sure is learning and having fun. Dad is stsrting to ask about higher end stuff and we are on the look out for that lab machine for peanuts so he can have some good parts for the next nachine.
Now i don't think that $100 is going to waste by any means.
So, why not go supper economy,learn a heck of a lot, have a lot of fun, and then build or buy what you really may want.
If a 10th grader can do all with some help, so can you.