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Author Topic: Cnc code for laser switching  (Read 8390 times)

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Cnc code for laser switching
« on: June 06, 2012, 10:10:31 AM »
I have read hundreds of post bout the M11P1/M10P1 codes. I understand what it is suppose to do, but since i`m a newby, i have difficulty understanding how all this fits into a cnc code file. My previous experience was with a chinese REDSALE laser, which broke down. The machine is nearly on its way back from the scrappile 75% complete with new hard/software. Can someone please explain to me in a very simple way how the commands will look like in a very basic cnc file like this:
I have 2 circles one 100mm and the other 200mm across. So my way of understanding in normal txt is below :

*switch laser on* (M11P1)
*start cutting 100mm circle*
*switch laser off * (M10P1)
*switch laser on and start cutting 200mm circle* (M11P1)
*switch laser off* (M10P1)

I have also read that the movement of the z axis need to play a part here in the switching of the laser. I have many DXF files from my previous projects, so i have the cnc code i need , except i need to edit the files and insert the proper code in the right places.

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: Cnc code for laser switching
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2012, 12:39:15 PM »
Hi Andre,

Just to keep it as simple as possible the GCode to cut a 100mm dia. hole would be something like the attached.

The purpose of the M11 / M10 code set is to switch the laser on and off coincident with axis movement so they must always be followed by an axis move.
(In my example code, I am using Output #1 so M11P1 switches the laser on and M10P1 switches it off).

Re: Cnc code for laser switching
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2012, 01:10:02 AM »

Thanx for your reply.

Ok, i have looked at the sample you attatched. It makes sense. I suppose Cambam cannot or does not have the ability to insert these codes automatically as it was made mainly for a rotating chuck with cutter, so its a manual process with notepad or a cnc code editor of trial and error if i`m going this route.

My next question is the laser speed/intensity. I have changed my laser to work with 0-5volt with the "DC-03 DigiSpeed GX V3 (DC-03)" from Homanndesigns.com.
Before it was using the "H" & "L" inputs on the laser power supply. I believe its part of the pulley speed setup, but i dont understand  how it works. I know one must use the "S word" for adjusting the laser speed/intensity. One can make adjustments in % like 30% , 60% etc, so 90% will cut right through the wood and 30% will be good for engraving letters/text. So as you can see i have an idea, but to set it all up in Mach3 and the cnc code file is where i fall out the bus.  ???

Thank you

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: Cnc code for laser switching
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2012, 02:32:11 AM »
Hi Andre,

Ok, i have looked at the sample you attatched. It makes sense. I suppose Cambam cannot or does not have the ability to insert these codes automatically as it was made mainly for a rotating chuck with cutter, so its a manual process with notepad or a cnc code editor of trial and error if i`m going this route.

One route you could try is to load your completed DXF into LazyCam and use the attached post processor (unzip and place Laser.pst into the Mach3 folder then select it within the LazyCam, posting options) this will put the M11P1 / M10P1 commands in the right places.

My next question is the laser speed/intensity. I have changed my laser to work with 0-5volt with the "DC-03 DigiSpeed GX V3 (DC-03)" from Homanndesigns.com.
Before it was using the "H" & "L" inputs on the laser power supply. I believe its part of the pulley speed setup, but i dont understand  how it works. I know one must use the "S word" for adjusting the laser speed/intensity. One can make adjustments in % like 30% , 60% etc, so 90% will cut right through the wood and 30% will be good for engraving letters/text. So as you can see i have an idea, but to set it all up in Mach3 and the cnc code file is where i fall out the bus.

The PWM speed control is well documented on the forum so a search should provide all the details you need.

(Mainly because I use Art’s ‘Impact / Laser engraving plugin’ quite a lot – the Mach3 PWM output and the plugin don’t play nicely together so I have reverted to splitting my jobs into ‘engraving’ and ‘profiling’ toolpaths and then adjusting the power setting manually, treating it as a ‘tool change’).

Re: Cnc code for laser switching
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2012, 04:09:15 AM »
Ok, fantastic. Im starting to get the idea :)

Never thought of  treating the laser power adjustment as a  toolchange, but it must get very tiring when you run a big project.
I will give Lazycam a try with the post processor you attatched.

Thanx again for the help and recommendations  :)


Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: Cnc code for laser switching
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2012, 05:40:30 AM »
Never thought of  treating the laser power adjustment as a  toolchange, but it must get very tiring when you run a big project.

Hi Andre,

Like all things, there are advantages / disadvantages but you will find that laser output power will vary with tube temperature (I only cool the tube to ambient) so power adjustments are necessary from one day to the next for me.  :)
