Hope somenone stil notices this post.
I have wireless HB04 pendant used with Mach3 and I ran into some trouble.
1. First of all, after setting custom buttons only few of them remain working after restarting Mach3.
I have to go every time into plugin config, select Shuttle plugin and there just click OK (without changing any settings) and custom buttons work again. This is quite annoying for the customer. The problematic functions are in my case "Slow Jog % Up" and Slow Jog % Dn". Same for Feedrate increase/decrease function and many more.
On the other side, calling macro #3 works every time.
2. Another issue is with "Rapid Axis ++" and "Rapid Axis --" functions when I try to use them as custom button. They seem to have no acceleration/decceleration and they use some unknown speed which is too fast for the machine.
What I am trying to do for my customer is to have two buttons he can use for long fast moves instead of scrolling the wheel like crazy.
Can anyone help me out with those troubles? I am using plugin version 3.6.1.
Best Regards,