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Author Topic: Z axis when setting coordinates  (Read 3165 times)

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Z axis when setting coordinates
« on: August 10, 2011, 06:01:13 PM »
When I type in numerical coordinates to move the X,Y,Z, and 4 axis's on my 4 axis foam cutter then hit "Go To", the Z axis doesn't move until the all the axis's are finished.

For example, assuming all axis's are at zero. I type in 10 for the X axis, 10 for the Y axis, 10 for the Z axis, and 10 for the 4 axis. When I press "Go to" all axis's move at the same time and finish at Zero except the Z axis. It waits until all axis's are complete then runs Thoughts?

Offline Hood

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  • Carnoustie, Scotland
Re: Z axis when setting coordinates
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2011, 06:17:35 PM »
The GoToZ is not a command to move to coords you type, it is a command to move to the current offset Zero position. If you want to command a move to go to a position then type it into the MDI line with the G0 or G1 etc, for example G1X1Y3Z-5F10

As for Z moving last that is normal on a GoToZero move, you can however set up safe Z and what that will do is move Z up first then move X and Y then finally Z will lower . Safe Z is set from  Configs menu.

Re: Z axis when setting coordinates
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2011, 06:38:14 PM »
Sorry for my ignorance but i think I explained myself wrong.

I have a hot wire between 2-2axis towers, X-Z, and Y-4. The X & Z coordinates moves both towers in the "X" coordinate simultaniously. And the Y & 4 coordinates move the "Y" coordinate simultaniously. how can I  pre-program coordinates where the numbers are displayed at the top so the wire will move in sync with the other side? Or do i have to use the mdi line?

Offline Hood

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  • Carnoustie, Scotland
Re: Z axis when setting coordinates
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2011, 08:01:02 PM »
If I am understanding things you really want to set up the axis as slaves. You would need to call the slaved axis A and B and then from the Config menu choose which axis you want each to slave with.
Each slave needs to be the same setup as the master as the same pulses get sent out to master and slave.

Offline BR549

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Re: Z axis when setting coordinates
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2011, 08:29:54 PM »
Hot wire cutters are special things programing and control Wise. It requires that 2 sets of axis's are slaved at times and independant at times to create special effects on moves that are never used on a normal CNC machine.

Cones are an example. You can work out some special moves but some are beyond normal cnc controllers.

Just a thought, (;-) TP