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Author Topic: Driver test file not working  (Read 51092 times)

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Offline rickw

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Re: Driver test file not working
« Reply #60 on: January 31, 2011, 01:04:14 AM »
This is a message I received from Scott at Mach Support:

The only time you should see a voltage change for the axes is on the direction pints when they change direction - unless you are looking at the pulse train with an O-scope, you will not see any voltage change on the step pins.  If you are seeing inputs activate when you ground pins, though, I do not think you are having a problem with Mach outputting signals - the driver either works or it does not, if you can see inputs it is sending outputs.  My question to you would be does that breakout board need or expect a Charge Pump signal, and if so do you have it configured?  The motors are getting power, but do they need any sort of an Enable signal before they will run?  Also, you may need to adjust the pulse width of your step and direction signals (which you can do in Motor Tuning), depending upon how sensitive your drives are...

I am not sure if the C10 board requires a charge pump signal to run.

Offline Hood

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Re: Driver test file not working
« Reply #61 on: January 31, 2011, 02:49:23 AM »
Scott is actually not quite correct there ;) You will see a voltage on the Step pin  but as I said way back in this thread it will depend on the active state you have the Step pin set. You will either see 5v and it dropping slightly when you jog or you will see 0v and it increasing possibly a few hundred mV. The reason you will not see the full 5V increase or drop is because it is a pulse so your meter will only pick up the average increase/drop. Of course a scope is the ideal thing to use to view this but I suspect you dont have such a thing ;)

Regards the charge pump it could well be that you need that as I know nothing of the CNC4PC boards but the documentation will tell you I am sure. At least we now know your port is functioning properly now you have tested at the correct pins.


Offline rickw

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Re: Driver test file not working
« Reply #62 on: January 31, 2011, 07:52:31 AM »
I have a C10 board, identical to the one used in the book, so we should be able to find the problem since there are so many similar applications out there. Can anyone reading this thread off some advice?
« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 07:55:11 AM by rickw »

Offline Hood

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Re: Driver test file not working
« Reply #63 on: January 31, 2011, 08:01:06 AM »
Look at page 6 of the manual, you need a 5v feed and you will also see there is an enable, you either need to use it with a switch as in the drawing or you could have a permanent enable by jumpering a wire between the +5v terminal and the enable. Do you have that?

Offline rickw

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Re: Driver test file not working
« Reply #64 on: January 31, 2011, 08:11:12 AM »
I will check.....what manual are you referring? All I have is the book.

Offline rickw

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Re: Driver test file not working
« Reply #65 on: January 31, 2011, 08:15:13 AM »
If you are talking about the EN, yes I have a jumper, which is the same as the C10 in the book. I have 5v there at the EN switch. That is one of the first things I checked. Nothing has changed about the lack of voltage from the pins. I would like to do some more troubleshooting if possible. I just dont know what to do next.

Offline Hood

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Re: Driver test file not working
« Reply #66 on: January 31, 2011, 08:24:27 AM »
Please be sure you are checking the correct pins on the port as we discovered you were on the ports  Pin 3 when it should have been 11 when testing the Limit switch. Next is check at the port , I know its more awkward but it will rule out cable issues.

Offline rickw

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Re: Driver test file not working
« Reply #67 on: January 31, 2011, 08:37:31 AM »
Okay, I am testing the port itself now for voltage as I move the axis'. I will do all three.

Offline rickw

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Re: Driver test file not working
« Reply #68 on: January 31, 2011, 08:51:24 AM »
It is very strange. I typed in g00x10 to give me plenty of time to test and I actually showed 5v at the pin but after doing it again to verify a repeat, now nothing. All three are nothing now. This is so frustrating.

Offline rickw

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Re: Driver test file not working
« Reply #69 on: January 31, 2011, 08:55:03 AM »
When I say nothing, I mean .025v, it does go from 0 to .025v during movement.