HI everyone,
I am in the process of surfacing my table on my 3DRouters.com 4x8 gantry CNC machine. I went into the Rectangular pocket wizard and gave it the dimensions of the travel limits and to mill down to a depth of .01" (delta of high and low points on the table).
My question is this: It mills along just fine from the inside-out but on two corners it seems to "get ahead of itself" and runs a diagonal from say, the long travel from the X axis to the Y travel when approaching the corners. This only happens on two corners and they are opposite of each other.
It is almost like it doesn't complete the run down the X axis before it wants to run up the Y axis (as an example). Here is a crude ascii art of what I'm talking about:
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(Where the "/" are the corners being missed).
I wonder if there is something in setup (ramping?) that is set to fast?
Any and all suggestions would be appreciated
New to Mach 2 in Houston