I am considering revisiting and upgrading the "Quick Threads" complex threading wizard......
I was wondering at the "Interest level" from the member ship in General for this........
Basicall if there is enough interst then, I would implement a "MSI" type installer that would do the Wizard installation for you, and have
all the current screen, and VB fixes as of the last implementation, update of the wizard, it is kinda spread out, over a vast amount of time...
Also, if there is enough interest, if any of you would like to ask for "Useful" and Practical additions (or fixes), to the wizard, please speak up!!
I would also consider if the "General" lathe population wants, I could also install the "Practical Lathe" screen set, you would still need to "Load it"
if you wanted to use it, but it would be there for those that like that screen set layout.
I am still waiting on Graham to send me his "easy Calc" threading formulas, when he does, I can make it where they "Auto fil" the dros on common stuff.
NOTE: The threading calc Free-Ware app, was just a convienance and who ever wrote it, did it for NON-pointed thread cutters, many here wanted one for
sharp pointed thread cutters........ so, if you know of a "Free ware" app that can do that, by all means give a link..... I will add it also, and thus you can have both
types of quick reference threading software.
BTW: Tony, and others, speak up on this........