Ahhhh. Ok... Now do you take that Amperage value and multiply it by the number of phases?
For example. If my motor is rated at 6.3A per phase and I take 2/3 of that value, gives me 4.2A per phase in Biploar parallel but the motor has two phases so do I multiply 4.2 by 2 giving me 8.4A for that one motor? Is this correct or do I just take the 4.2A as my value for the one motor?
Sorry for so many questions but with my first machine I just used a 24VDC power supply which is under rated voltage wise for the steppers I was using. This time around I want a power supply that will get me the max performance out of my motors but going with more power doesn't leave me much room for error.
I just picked up the third and final motor off ebay so now I can go ahead finalizing power supply requirements. It's a PacSci Powerpac Nema 34 , 3.3A Bipolar series, 65V, 97W. It's an 8 wire motor so I need to decide if I am going to connnect them in Bipolar series or parallel. Can't remember which one is better. It's been awhile since I did this with my other machine so I have forgotten alot that I learned.
Thanks for all your help everyone. I would really be up a creek without a paddle if it wasn't for people like you guys.