Generally port 1 is used to output step and direction signals to pins 2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8,9 if you have 4 axis. Probably you have port 1 pin 2 for axis 1 step and port 1 pin 3 for axis 1 direction, port 1 pin 4 for axis 2 step and port 1 pin 5 for axis 2 direction, port 1 pin 6 for axis 3 step and port 1 pin 7 for axis 3 direction. (although these can be reversed, ie pin 2=dir & pin 3=step)
If you can verify any of this by visual check first, do it.
Start with one axis. Set up axis one first and check with a DVM for a high (+4-5V) or a low (0-.5V) at pin 3, axis 1 direction signal. Change directions in Mach by jogging and verify signal changes. Then try to get your first axis moving, you may have to change logic levels from "positive" logic to "negative" logic to get the correct direction, try to run your step signals with negative logic to minimize current loss.
Once you have movement tune the motors and calibrate.
EVERYTHING IS DETAILED IN THE MACH2 MANUAL. You should read through the section on getting started, it will explain all this to you.