Ok message undersood... I get the idea..
Today I heard from someone else that EMC2 does have this function... and that its the only cnc controller that does that because its working on linux and not windows..
(dont know if it really works, havent seen it)
So i've heard a lot of stories, and just wanted to know what was the real deal...
The only thing I dont understand is... Why do Professional controls like Heidenhain, fanuc, siemens etc something similar like that?
Yes the do have servo's with encoders connected to the drives but the frequently also have a measuring system like a liniair encoder (glass ruler) to give feedback to the controls . Thats a real closed loop..
Thats how i came up with the idea..and thought what is the reason why mach doesnt do that?
Anyway..thanks for the reply.... now for the decision.. stay with steppers or go servo