I just bought a CNC router table and the Mach 3 Program to go with it as suggested by the manufactor. When I first set up the table to rout in a 1"x1" grid on my table surface, by the time it finished, the X and Y axis were dead on but the Z axis had gone up about 0.100" but the Mach 3 program read it as 0.0000" The router manufactor gave me a program to run in Mach 3, it's called Easy3Mill it takes over the Mach3Mill file. This solved the problem, so I thought, and also aloud my max velocity to go from 28in/min to 60in/min., which still seems a little slow to me. NOW, I just tried running a program with about 24,000 lines of code for a V cutter, and by the time it finished the Z azis was up 0.0640". I have the max velocity for X and Y 15% under the max and the max Z at 50% under, and it still doesn't hold the Z axis. Can someone please help with this??