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Author Topic: New Version 2.3.3 XBox360 Controller plugin available  (Read 51533 times)

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Offline FXC

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Re: New Version 2.3.3 XBox360 Controller plugin available
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2010, 04:53:02 PM »
     After successfully using the XBOX360 controller with Mach3, I found out about the ChatPad  attachment (pictured below) and immediately purchased one for < $15. Having a mini keyboard for manual G-Code entry and other functionality is priceless. But then I find out that drivers DO NOT EXIST for Windows  :o thus limiting the ChatPad to the game console only.

     I searched the 'net and there are several forums where people are trying to get together and have a driver written but nothing happened so far. I was wondering if someone on this forums is willing to look into the issue because this controller is probably the best / cheapest "pendant" solution for Mach3 and it would be a shame not to take advantage of this little keyboard. By the way, the keys even have backlighting!  ;D

Mach3 is a mess.

Offline Leed3

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Re: New Version 2.3.3 XBox360 Controller plugin available
« Reply #21 on: July 04, 2010, 08:53:59 AM »
To sq2cnc;

Thanks for the kind words.  I like your stand. Very nice.  You may want to post a drawing showing the bends, length and type of wire, etc.  I think other people would like one.  My reference to restarting Mach was:  if the controller quit working (broken) or became disconnected. In either case, you should exit Mach and fix the problem.


I have thought about the Chatpad.  I like the idea.  It would be a lot of work to write a driver and then write an interface in the plugin.  I could write an interface within the plugin so that the Chatpad would work only in Mach.  I do not have a Chatpad at this time so I'll look at this at some later time.


Offline FXC

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Re: New Version 2.3.3 XBox360 Controller plugin available
« Reply #22 on: July 04, 2010, 09:12:41 AM »
PM your address and I'll give you mine in exchange for trying your best. No need for a fancy full-fledged driver and all the headache that comes with it. But you do need a little reverse engineering while hooked up to the XBOX. I don't have an XBOX.
Mach3 is a mess.

Offline Leed3

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Re: New Version 2.3.3 XBox360 Controller plugin available
« Reply #23 on: July 04, 2010, 09:25:10 AM »
Thanks for the offer.  PM sent.


PM your address and I'll give you mine in exchange for trying your best. No need for a fancy full-fledged driver and all the headache that comes with it. But you do need a little reverse engineering while hooked up to the XBOX. I don't have an XBOX.
Re: New Version 2.3.3 XBox360 Controller plugin available
« Reply #24 on: July 04, 2010, 07:50:02 PM »
thanks for the reply, I thought that anyone would be able to replicate what I've done to create the stand, sitting behind my desk with a plier and a piece of welding rod and masking tape, ready in just about 5 minutes.
Anyway, here is a drawing and another picture.
Best regards,
« Last Edit: July 04, 2010, 07:51:53 PM by sq2cnc »

Offline Leed3

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Re: New Version 2.3.3 XBox360 Controller plugin available
« Reply #25 on: July 04, 2010, 10:00:12 PM »
Drawing looks good.  Thanks for posting it.

Re: New Version 2.3.3 XBox360 Controller plugin available
« Reply #26 on: July 04, 2010, 10:37:31 PM »
Thanks Jerry, great idea.  Appreciate your sharing.
John Champlain
Re: New Version 2.3.3 XBox360 Controller plugin available
« Reply #27 on: July 24, 2010, 07:14:02 PM »
I am a new user and have a question about using the xbox controller.  I have the controller connected to mach3 and working well with my gecko g540.  My issue is that I cannot get the controller to move the axis at full speed.  On my Z axis, jogging on the keyboard I can get the slide to move at 100ipm but when using the xbox controller I can only get it to move at 30.  I know the shoulder buttons are supposed to be able increase jog speed but I cant get them to work?

I am wondering if I have some settings incorrect ie perhaps the cont jog mode or what not but I cannot seem to understand.  Does anyone have any suggestions as to things I could check?

Thanks much

Offline FXC

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Re: New Version 2.3.3 XBox360 Controller plugin available
« Reply #28 on: July 24, 2010, 07:17:21 PM »
Not the shoulder buttons but the rather the triggers need to be depressed for maximum jog speed. Alternatively, you can just set the "slow jog speed" to 100% from within the Mach3's jogging tab.
Mach3 is a mess.
Re: New Version 2.3.3 XBox360 Controller plugin available
« Reply #29 on: July 24, 2010, 07:22:31 PM »
Indeed I meant the triggers.  For some reason I get no response when I use the triggers.  Initially when I installed the xbox plugin the up down axis of my right stick did not work.  It took a restart of MACH3 to get the up down right stick to work in mach. 

I am wondering if I should just reinstall the plugin and perhaps the issue I am having with the triggers is similar to the original left stick up down issue?
