If you have problems using the parallel port or need a faster pulse frequency then you will benefit. If your machine runs well then you probably wont benefit.
As an example my mill ran fine with the PP and the only difference now that it has the SS is the motors sound sweeter but there is no performance gain.
The lathe however was needing a higher pulse frequency to get to its potential, previously I had 1:2 electronic gearing (which I dont like) and I could only get a max of 3300mm/min, now with the SS i have electronic gearing cancelled and can run 20,000mm/min although I have slowed it down to 10,000mm/min.
The Coilwinder I made ran on the parallel port but didnt sound happy and was a bit jittery, with the smooth stepper I could crank up the feedrates a bit and the motors run much better.