I've been running an old Dyna2800 that I converted to Mach 3 using the CANDCNC breakout board and keeping the original Dyna stepper motor drivers. Running in Sherline mode, it has performed well (a vast improvement on the original Dyna controller!).
This morning I ran a couple of parts and began losing steps on the Y axis. The Y axis motor "growls" and loses about 20% of the commanded travel, but only on the Y axis.
After messing around for while, I discovered that if I increased the feed rate from the original 2 in/min to 10 in/min (sorry for not using metric, but I'm an old guy whose brain thinks in what my first boss called "Christian Units") the machine ran the program perfectly.
It occurs to me that this is the first time I've run this machine this slowly (I'm usually making plastic parts), so that would explain why I never came across this before.
I suspect that I should just install modern drivers (I know, I should have done that in the first place), but I'm curious if there might be any other explanation for losing steps only a slow speed...