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Author Topic: problems with Rotary Manual Pulse Generator.  (Read 15174 times)

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problems with Rotary Manual Pulse Generator.
« on: March 16, 2009, 03:40:02 PM »
I am an elderly ex development toolmaker, I have bought a Seig X3 Milling machine and have converted it to CNC with a kit, and the MACH3 program
I have been learning how to use the Mach3 program and I have machined several small parts using Mach3 and a C11G breakout board.
However I have come up against a problem with the MACH3 program, which is driving me to tearing out what is left of my hair.
I fitted a Rotary Manual Pulse Generator (MPG) to control the Z movements.
The supply for the MPG to 5V and gnd and the A and B terminals to inputs 15 and 17 on the breakout board.
I also set the Cal setting to 1 & 100. The problem that I have got is that instead of the head moving smoothly
 in response to turning the wheel the head moves up and down in jerks, whichever way the MPG is turned, and nothing I can do in MACH 3 will change it.
I ma beginning to wonder if MAC3 has been corrupted. Please can anyone help me.
Best wishes to all.

Offline Hood

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Re: problems with Rotary Manual Pulse Generator.
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2009, 03:50:40 PM »
Go to Function Config menu then Calibrate MPG and go through the calibration steps one at a time and press calculate before you move to the next. Also remember to press save after you have completed the steps, the third step is not really needed but you can do it if you want.
Re: problems with Rotary Manual Pulse Generator.
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2009, 04:39:41 PM »
Thank you for the input Hood but I have already done what you suggest with no result.

Offline Hood

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Re: problems with Rotary Manual Pulse Generator.
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2009, 04:43:35 PM »
Can you please attach your xml, you will find it in the Mach3 folder, it will be named Mach3Mill.xml if you are using the standard Mill profile if not then it will be whatever you have named your custom profile. You will need to copy it to your desktop then rename it to something like eugenejohn.xml then attach with the additional options button on the reply pabe.
Re: problems with Rotary Manual Pulse Generator.
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2009, 07:32:01 AM »
Thanks for your offer to look at my xml of the MACH3 system that I am using.
 It might take a day or two as I have a seperate computer dedicated to the milling machine
I downloaded and printed out all the 180 odd pages of the instructions for MACH3
and I have been through the settings over and over again. I have come to the reluctant conclusion
that I must have a faulty MPG unit as it works but only to jerk up and down.
Please let me know if you agree
I will post the xml settings in a day or two.

Offline Hood

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Re: problems with Rotary Manual Pulse Generator.
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2009, 08:56:18 AM »
It could be a faulty MPG but only a scope would show you whether that was the case or not.

Re: problems with Rotary Manual Pulse Generator.
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2009, 02:45:21 PM »
Thank you Hood for your offer to look at the XML page of my Mach3 program ,please find attached
Regards Eugene

Offline Hood

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Re: problems with Rotary Manual Pulse Generator.
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2009, 03:02:36 PM »
I see two problems in the XML, the first is you do not have the MPG enabled. Obviously this must have been enabled for you to get some movement so I am presuming you have done that recently.
Second problem I see is you have Chanel A set up to Port 1 Pin13, this is a problem because you also have your Z Limits and Home switches asigned to that pin. You can do a few things here, firstly you could possibly wire all of your limits on each axis in series and that way you would only use one Input or another way is you could add a second parallel port to your computer and set the MPG up on that, if you draw the 5v from the computer to power it then really there is no need for a second breakout board.


Re: problems with Rotary Manual Pulse Generator.
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2009, 05:24:37 AM »
Eugene, When you calibrate for one click of the MPG, how many clicks show up in the box? If you see more than 'one', you could very well have a noise issue in the MPG wiring. Also, after going through what Hood is telling you, try another calibration and don't spin the MPG for fast but just turn it as you normally would then try velocity only in the jog MPG window - top one, and see if that makes a difference. You should see 10% or something low for good slow control.

I've had a heck of a time setting this one up due to similar problems but I fought it on my own without asking for help here - you're ahead of the game already!

Bill C.

Offline Hood

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Re: problems with Rotary Manual Pulse Generator.
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2009, 05:43:37 AM »
Bill, I think it is normal for one click in the MPG Calibration to show as 4, it certainly always has for me and I presume this is for the same reason that an encoder on a servo motor that has 2000 lines will be 8000 pulses as far as Mach is concerned, so a 100line MPG will be 400 pulses.
