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Author Topic: mach troubles  (Read 6606 times)

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mach troubles
« on: July 27, 2006, 09:13:13 AM »
After a long bad day yesterday got worse.  I was using turbocad v11 to render a part for dxf to g-code conversion in mach 2 mill.  I had been up working since 7:00 am the morning before.  All the sudden the mach software wouldn't go past to first line of code.  I looked at the code and all seemed well so i figured a restart would be in order so i restarted the mach2 mill software and the turbocad.  When i brought mach2 mill up again it just showed a grey screen and down in the left corner said ready.  I could still access all bars at the top but there was no screen.  I opened mach2 lathe and different wizards in the mill program and all worked well.  So i uninstallled and reinstalled the whole package and called it good for the night.  I access it this morning to see if it fixed the problem but didn't.  I am still no able to go past the first line of code, however the program screen is coming up again with the editor and dro.  To check that it was not the g-code i pulled up a program that was small and verified to run and the same thing happens.  It stops on the first line of code.  What to do about this?

Re: mach troubles
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2006, 10:59:25 AM »
post the code so we can look
Re: mach troubles
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2006, 06:44:15 PM »
(four leaf clover)

G01 G90 X0 Y0 Z0 F65

G02 X0 Y0 I.500 J0

G03 X0 Y0 I-.500 J0

G02 X0 Y0 I0 J-.500

G03 X0 Y0 I0 J.500

G01 G90 X0 Y0

Re: mach troubles
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2006, 07:43:48 PM »
I just manually reinstalled my driver and it works fine now.  I am missing the button labled simplify or somethin to that nature.  It was in the lower left corner before now there is a blank space next to the "g-codes" button.  Is  this bad or is it just a change from the first download?
Re: mach troubles
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2006, 07:49:49 PM »
That could be a problem with the Screenset not being compatible with the version of Mach you are running.  So... next question- what version are you running?

Re: mach troubles
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2006, 08:12:24 PM »
it says file version but i don't know.  I was playing around with it for about a half hour and now it froze again.  I ran the OCXDriver test and it worked again after that.  What could be happening.  After the test is ran the all the numbers are coming up in the range stated in the instructions.
Re: mach troubles
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2006, 08:40:23 PM »
Don't recognize the version number you are referring to. 

If you are runing Mach 2, I would upgrade to Mach 3 ver 1.84.002.  If you are runing Mach 3 ver 1.9 (or above) I would make sure that you are runing the most current version available (I think it is 1.90.065) that should get you on the right track.



Re: mach troubles
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2006, 09:18:56 PM »
About versions, Shneider is right, It is advisable to run the stable release version of mach3 and not any of the beta versions.
You will see on the download section the different versions.

Beta versions are for those who are willing to experiment.
Re: mach troubles
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2006, 10:03:26 PM »
the mach2 is the download available on the download page listed as mach2r6.11n .  Well I will deal with this for now until the new computer arrives for setup.  Do you know if the artsoft group has any postprocessor info available for mastercam x?  I am going to be using mastercam x and the mach3 sofwares with an Industrial hobbies mill and a retrofitted cnc 12x36 lathe helped along by industrial hobbies. 
Re: mach troubles
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2006, 08:39:05 AM »
Do you know if the artsoft group has any postprocessor info available for mastercam x? 
The fanuc 3X mill postprocessor works quite well, you should already have it in your mastercam post folder.

