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Author Topic: How can I continue g-code tomorrow ?  (Read 18103 times)

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Re: How can I continue g-code tomorrow ?
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2011, 02:02:54 AM »
Maybe we could write one . . .
Most of the major woodworking magazines now have regular sections on CNC carving and fabrication.
I know one of the local tool/hardware stores here has a small machine on display and they've asked me if I could come and do some demonstrations, as they've had a ton of interest, but no one in the store that can properly run it.
I turned them down as I didn't want to unleash a whole bunch of competition to my new career!

Machines are getting to within reach (price-wise) of weekend warrior woodworkers.

Once that takes off "CNC For Dummies" here we come!
Re: How can I continue g-code tomorrow ?
« Reply #31 on: August 09, 2011, 02:49:41 AM »
BR, I respectfully think you may be misunderstanding the entire point of my posts. I completely understand the skillset and effort required to master a CNC machine.
My initial frustration is directed at the manual and documentation for Mach3, which is essentially useless to a relative newcomer.
I need to learn a WHOLE lot more about running my CNC machine before most of the manual will make any sense to me. And I can't run my machine to the best of it's capabilities until I can understand the manual . . . round and round.
I'm not asking for the machine to be "easy" to master. I'm asking for clear, concise documentation. I will certainly continue to use Mach3, but the first time I stumble upon a powerful, but more user-friendly option, I'm gone.
There are over 77,000 posts just in the General Mach Discussion Forum alone. I've seen an awful lot of the same questions and problems raised over and over again.
Take a look in the Mach 3 manual. Something as simple and basic as restarting a job midstream is not explained.

My analogy with the truck still stands, even moreso. I have been able to master and enjoy the skill of driving because I can devote my undivided attention to it. If I choose to look under the hood (which I don't), well all the better. But it's certainly not necessary.
My iPad and my truck. Both infinitely more complex than Mach3, but way easier to use. Thanks for the discussion. I've enjoyed it. Cheers.
Re: How can I continue g-code tomorrow ?
« Reply #32 on: August 09, 2011, 08:46:05 AM »
If you ever have to explain to an hourly employee how to use 'Run from here", you see why I just edit the GCode.  From a cost perspective, CNC is within reach to the hobbyist, but I don't think you'll ever see a CNC for dummies machine...or controller.  It's easy to train someone to push the proper buttons to achieve a result, but not so easy to teach them what to do if things don't work right. 

CNC machinery is a lot different than you truck.  There are a lot of variables, both in the job setup and in the machine operation...and since most of these machines are home-built, it's almost impossible to document the machine, and since Mach3 is so customizable, it's not easy to document it as well.

The closest you'll come to pushing a button and outputting a part without worrying is to buy a commercial machine and controller, then when things go wrong, you just call the tech to fix it...Kind of like calling the mechanic to fix your truck.  Of course, you'll pay a considerable price for that.  If you want to build you own machine, you have no choice but to learn what goes on under the hood.

Offline BR549

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Re: How can I continue g-code tomorrow ?
« Reply #33 on: August 09, 2011, 11:14:17 AM »
hIYA Blue I understand where you are going with the discussion I have had the same decision with different generations 100s of times.  My point IS there is very little MONEY in the DIY cnc market for the developers of things. Most use the same model that has been used for years and years.

 I create the gizmo but you have to figure out HOW to use it because I cannot afford to write a concise manual to bring you from scratch to CNC master. BECAUSE Most of that Documentation would have nothing to do with the Gizmo I provide.

It was the same when I started playing in metal ART. The machining side I had done for generations knew it top to bottom left to right. BUT the design side software (Graphic design programs) was like a Hot Spanish romance novel written in Latin. It took a long time for me to figure out what they were implying function wise in the software.

NOW if you want to be a millionare sit down and write a precise simple Book for the market to use. But you will find quickly that it is a very BROAD subject that does not lend to easy explanation as they are SO many ways to do each function and none of them are wrong or right. SO the terms Precise and simple don't go together well.

Now there IS a CNC book for CNC beginners. " EASY CNC"  written by David Benson. It is written for a CNC beginner and covers most of the BASICs but is more specific to a different controller.


(;-) TP