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Messages - jetxcc

Pages: 1
Another... More simpler solution that I use, is to take an LED light from a flashlight or something, take the power source, (usually 3xAAA batteries) mount it somewhere convenient, and with a couple alligator clips, attach one end to the tool, and one to the material. Lower tool slowly until it makes contact, it will light up until you retract. Might be a lil Jimmy rigged, but it's useful and no programming necessary. I also use it for setting height and depth on my table saw and radial arm saw. Hope this was helpful.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach3 & Aspire tool paths not the same
« on: April 12, 2016, 07:44:39 PM »
Tweakie and get21 you nailed it! When setting things up I forgot to copy the license over. Did that and all LOOKS well and good! About to run it and see! Thank you very much!!

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach3 & Aspire tool paths not the same
« on: April 12, 2016, 03:03:47 AM »
Thank you for responding so quickly. I do not believe I am running in demo mode. I have a full version of the software and went through the steps of setting up a profile using the mill as a starting point. I will verify tomorrow evening if this is the case. I have run ONE test piece that worked out fine, then my pc crashed and had to get a new one and start all over, with the install, the setup, etc. This is the first attempt to VCarve anything. I didn't know if it was something I did with choosing the pp or something else. I'm relatively certain it's operator error, just not sure what it is.

General Mach Discussion / Mach3 & Aspire tool paths not the same
« on: April 12, 2016, 02:08:36 AM »
Hello all,
I'm sincerely hoping someone can help me figure out why my toolpath that i created in aspire will not load and cut out the way it is intended. the aspire preview shows that everything is as it should be, but when i load the toolpath file into Mach3 only a portion of the text comes through. The cutout and the profile toolpaths come through fine, but the V-Carve toolpath does not. Has anyone else had this happen? and if so, how do i fix it? this is my second attempt to post this after trying to post screenshots. so this is the abbreviated version, if you need more info just ask, I'll gladly go into more detail. Thank you in advance.

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