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Messages - edoctoor

Pages: 1 2
For people that just want to install Mach 3 to "learn" and are not worried about conflicts: There is a work-around..

As the  "a sharing violation occurred while accessing an unnamed file" is a standard error that means that two programs can not handle the same file at the same time; and irsetup is trying to access a file that is currently in use.

Solution Windows XP: Click Start: Run: and Type "       msconfig     " no quotes then click the ok button

In the default GENERAL tab of the SYSTEM CONFIGURATION UTILITY: Click the radio selector dot to select: Diagnostic Startup
This will disable programs that may have accessed the UNNAMED file when the computer is restarted. Click OK, then click the restart button

After the computer restarts... there will be a message... leave it there and ignore it for now...

Now that your ANTI-Virus and other programs are not running you should be able to install the Mach 3 Program

1. Install Mach 3
2. If it doesn't install, then try to install as administrator

When I did this, I did receive an error that the port was not found... this is not an issue for those that are learning.

Then after the Mach 3 install ... return to the SYSTEM CONFIGURATION UTILITY: and click Normal Startup... Apply and Ok

After the reboot...

Now... your computer has access to whatever that unnamed file was... so you can simply

One last time Install MACH 3 ... and it should install without any error and install the port with no errors.

P.S. All the information above does matter... but this is for those that just want to LOOK at the program try it a couple of time
to see if the program even works on their computer... if it works.. and you want to run a machine with the computer..
Then all the advice above is both noteworthy and recommended... I hope this helps someone... take care

To the admins... this is a old topic... and the solution should be applied here... as this is were everyone ends up that searches this issue.

Pictures are very easy for me to understand.... thanks a million

Thank you very much, and it is a 5 volt B.O.B

I have not found a link to Gecko's method... but I did try my best to search... I guess I do not know enough about the keywords to search.

I'll google pull up resister, but I assume that I would always have 5 volt going to the G203V Disable Pin on the Gecko drive and the
E-Stop (normally closed) in series with a resister to ground on one pole of the E-Stop attached to the wire that goes from the BOB 5 volts to the drive.

I can read a circuit schematic, does anyone have a link to a schematic?

I don't like guessing, and little detail such as the size/value of the resister would help.

Again thank you very much, I am almost ready to call digikey and make the order; however,
I am still search for the type of cable to use for my 2.2 chinese water cooled cable.
Flexible, stranded, and shielded cable between 18 and 16 AWG

I would like to know the digikey number or detailed information to get the right cable.

Best regards

Thank you very much for the amazing out of the box solution, you're definitely the PHD of CNC's

PHD... great initials

Thank you... that was exactly the information that I was looking for...

I just have to figure out what pinsouts match my BOB... but I can figure this out.

Thanks again for a point in the right direction... if you have a tutorial video that includes information about the ENABLE settings
it would be helpful for you to provide me with a link...


Here is the datasheet... I thought... it was a simple question... I guess not from the overwhelming help that I am receiving...

I know how to wire it, I understand supply 5 volts... what I am asking is how do I configure MACH 3 to take advantage of this feature...

I have searched but I can not find anything about configuring MACH 3 ... is there no more support after I have paid for the Mach 3 product..????

The Gecko drive G203V Disable Pin Configuration help required.

I am building a homemade CNC in my home... and I am afraid that if I get PINNED in the large 6 foot x 8 foot machine that
I will have to cut my arm off with a pocket knife to free myself.... this is why I am asking the following:

I have a G203V Gecko Drive and it has a Disable Pin which will make the steppers free wheeling if supplied 5 volts from the controller.

A) What is the recommended Pin Configuration and logic or method of configuring the Mach 3 software?
Digital trig, enable, in the output pins seems a little daunting...ok... a lot daunting.

I assume that the E-Stop PIN 13 on my machine should somehow trigger 5 volts from the BOB to the Disable Pins on X, Y, and Z axis's
and after the E-Stop is reset the Disable pins on X, Y, and Z axis's will TOGGLE back to a Ground Value.

I am building my CNC from my own design using your knowledge... thank you so much for advice.

Lastly, I don't know what to call anything... so I don't know how to search or what to search for regarding this issue; so,
please forgive me for posting something that you can find in ten seconds... and that I could never find.... in a year

Hello Edoctoor here.
I use to be a computer operator way back when businesses used mainframes computers; hence my nick name
Edoctoor which is Root Code spelt backwards.
I ended up being a factory worker and never programmed for a living; although, I did take four semesters of computer programming before
Microsoft windows took over.

I am over 50 and live in London Ontario Canada.

As a hobby I like to build things... scratch build airplanes that really fly... and lately a hobby CNC machine because I obtained some one inch ballscrews
and thought that I would enjoy the challenge. I live in a condo and have burbur carpet and built a 31" x 31" aluminum CNC machine on my balcony painfully
designing each part and creating each part with no more than a hand drill and a miter saw.

Currently, I am learning how to use a CNC machine and I am very pleased with MACH III
If your from London Ontario Canada do not hesitate to send me a message.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Auto tool Zero - macro questions
« on: November 08, 2014, 10:31:00 PM »
Thanks a million.

I have never read such great documentation in my life. I have to assume that the years of reading confusing posts on a forum has taught you to write clear and concisely.

I spend all my time with my wife on weekends and therefore will not have time to review and run your screenset and its additional auto tool zero features... not to mention the other features; cross hairs etc... that I was both very interested in.. and very surprised to discover.

Again thanks a million

General Mach Discussion / Re: Auto tool Zero - macro questions
« on: November 08, 2014, 12:38:07 PM »
Ok, I have re-thought everything and have discovered that you have done a lot of work and that you are willing to help those that do not buy your screen sets; because of this I have considered the amount of work that I would have to do to re-learn this all again after obtaining your screen set.

I have decided to buy your product due to the amount of support that you provided.

I will be buying your products and downloading your free stuff promptly.

Many thanks in advance,


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