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Messages - ed-laserproductions

Pages: 1
Feature Requests / Re: Manual Spindle Calibration *PLEASE*
« on: June 23, 2011, 12:56:39 AM »
No you cannot. If everything was linear the yes. But nothing is.

They really need to put in a proper calibration system.

Like you it increments the PWM up 5% and asks you to enter the RPM.
It continues that all the way up to 100%.
Then it builds a proper relationship between RPM and PWM.

Such a simple feature, I cannot believe it has not been implemented!

I have tried ad it does not work

Interesting, thanks for the link!

BUT :)

.....Take note, this is for step output spindles, PWM is another matter, this will
still work, but since the number of steps
in speed is dependent on the PWM settings, the end results may be off in a
stepwie fashion if using PWM.....

Manual calibration would be an awesome feature!

Feature Requests / Manual Spindle Calibration *PLEASE*
« on: May 29, 2011, 01:03:15 PM »
My mill does not send a tach signal back to the control computer but the spindle speed is visible on the motor controller.
Since I dont have a tach signal I cannot auto-calibrate the spindle.
I wish there was a way to manually enter the spindle speed vs PWM %.

I am sure this feature would be widely appreciated!

Is there a way to manual edit linear.dat or something I can do to achieve manual calibration?

Thanks for a great program!

That is interesting but not useful information.

I opened the Linearity.dat file in a hex editor and the structure is not easily visible....

Does anyone know how to accomplish a manual config?

I have thought about hooking a function generator up to an input pin and matching it to the displayed rpm.....

Thanks. I just tried to open it but it is not an easily understood file.
Do you have any idea how i could edit it or understand it?

I dont think its pulley speeds I need to change. Its the stored data when doing an auto-calibrate. I want to manually enter it into the xml. Or adjust whats already in there.

My mill does not send a tach signal back to the control computer but the spindle speed is visible on the motor controller.
Since I dont have a tach signal I cannot auto-calibrate the spindle.
I wish there was a way to manually enter the spindle speed vs PWM %.

I think it could probably be done in the mymill.xml file.

Does anyone have any experience with editing the xml to achieve this?

Pages: 1