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Messages - XLR84x4

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General Mach Discussion / Re: Tangential Cutting Table and Feedrate
« on: December 29, 2007, 05:33:11 AM »
Thanks Hood,

CV is on, however if I add the tangential the machine seems to run exact stop just on the A axis moves.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Tangential Cutting Table and Feedrate
« on: December 29, 2007, 12:04:33 AM »
Is it possible that with Tangential Control selected the Mode reverts to exact stop mode.???

I have spent all day on this machine and in Tangential mode there does not seem to any CV blending with the A axis, meaning the X and Y axis pause fot the A axis to rotate.  I think with the high feed rate of 12000 mm/min and accell at 1250 this is where the jerky ness starts.  My X gantry weights about 30kg so lots of inertia.

I have also saved drawings in iges, dwg and dxf to see if this helps with no change really

General Mach Discussion / Tangential Cutting Table and Feedrate
« on: December 27, 2007, 08:19:25 PM »
Thank you for the previous assistance with my tangential control.

I have since cut some shapes out with the table and things are looking up.

My current problem is I wish to up the feed rate to +10000 mm/min in Tangential mode.  With tangential off my machine moves very smooth with 10000 mm/min feedrates on curved objects. The moment I switch tangential on all hell breaks loose with it stop/starting jerking like in Exact stop mode. I have added the g64 to my code

I have adjusted the look ahead units to 500, adjusted accel setting in motor tuning, but with such feedrates of 5000-10000mm/min in tangent control mode my machine shakes it seft to bit's.

Any thoughts??


General Mach Discussion / Re: Tangential Set-up
« on: October 30, 2007, 02:34:27 AM »
Brian will be looking at this in the coming week. On my machine, it seems to be off by a factor of 360.

That is, instead of moving to 90 degrees, it moves to 0.25 degrees. Instead of moving to 270 degrees, it moves to 0.75 degrees.

I'll let you know if I hear new information.

Have you heard from Brian regarding the solution.

I am looking for some cam software that may do the conversion for the tangential A axis

General Mach Discussion / Re: Tangential Set-up
« on: October 29, 2007, 01:55:43 AM »
Thanks Chip,

I have run your code and added a few dwells and Z lifts. The dwell is to allow for the z to lift prior to turning the knife in the job and to wait for the z to plunge before heading of in the x or y. The machine run's it great if you wish to cut squares only

I am looking forward to seeing what the guys come up with regarding the in built Tangential. I just have to machine the blade holder and we are good to start cutting carbon/fibre glass products and other materials
N20 G0  Z0.50000
N25 M3
N30  X190.4607  Y54.4125
N40 G1  Z0.0000  F3000.00
G04 P500
N45  X565.3026 
N46 G0 Z0.5
g04 P500 a 90
N47 G0 Z0.0
G04 P500
N50  Y231.2444   
N46 G0 Z0.5
g04 P500 a 180
N47 G0 Z0.0
G04 P500
N55  X190.4607   
N56 G0 Z0.5
g04 P500 a 270
N57 G0 Z0.0
G04 P500
N60  Y54.4125
N46 G0 Z0.5
g04 P500 a 0
g00 x0 y0
N70 M5
N75 M30

Thanks again


General Mach Discussion / Re: Tangential Set-up
« on: October 28, 2007, 08:50:04 PM »
And here is the Square.tap renamed.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Tangential Set-up
« on: October 28, 2007, 08:44:42 PM »
Thanks for having a look.

Here is a picture of the machine I built and the square tapfile I tested with.

In a nutshell The Z axis is run using 2.5D and a actuator  I have setup the A axis as rotational and if I enter in G0 A90 the A Axis stepper turns 90 deg.

When I run this file the A axis DRO only increments as above

I have got the Z shuttling up and down in tangential mode however it does require a bit of tweeking to get the timing correct for the Z to come up and for the A Axis to turn the desired increment, the problem being that the A axis does not turn the correct amount.

Thanks for you help


General Mach Discussion / Re: Tangential Set-up
« on: October 28, 2007, 03:55:05 AM »
Here is a square.tap that I load and run.

If any one can throw there thoughts in it would be appreciated.

My A axis DRO readings.
0.00 across the first horizontal side
0.18 up the vertical
0.540 across the horizontal
0.720 down the vertical to the finish

What am I doing wrong


General Mach Discussion / Re: Tangential Set-up
« on: October 27, 2007, 10:16:46 PM »
It's seems as though you got your tangential working.

I am nearly finished my A axis cutter however on the intial testing my A axis DRO only moves a few degree's when taking corners >90 degree's.

Iam using a G100 with Gecko drive and  A axis is a 1.8deg/step stepper. My A axis motor tuning is 2000/rev so this works out at 5.555 steps/degree.

My setup is similar to yours below and I am using metric units with Tangential on.

Is your A axis DRO reflecting it's position in degrees??


LazyCam (Beta) / Re: tangential to track in lazy cam 2.02v
« on: October 09, 2007, 03:46:49 AM »
Hey Brian,

How did you go with the tangential A axis coding within Lazzy Cam??


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