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Messages - bajadave

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General Mach Discussion / Re: Z limit Switch with a touch pad
« on: March 26, 2011, 05:05:47 PM »
Thanks I'll try to follow it but it really seems way over my head, I was hoping I could turn on a pin and use the auto zero toll button with min programing...I don't think i'm able to create a whole new screen when the default mach screen is more then enough for me.....

General Mach Discussion / Re: Z limit Switch with a touch pad
« on: March 26, 2011, 03:24:48 PM »
Thanks Hood and Ger21

Great topic but just a little over my head as I am truly a newbie.. Not sure of all the terminology like DRO and screen#4 etc etc. I kinda need a blow by blow explanation if that makes any sense...

General Mach Discussion / Z limit Switch with a touch pad
« on: March 25, 2011, 08:20:06 PM »
My question is it possible to add a touch pad for the height of my Z.. Right now I have a home switch at the top of my Z but changing bits and trying to rezero to the top of my work is not working and I'm getting a little inconsistancy when I change bits..

Thanks Dave

General Mach Discussion / Re: Homing to slow
« on: March 21, 2011, 04:29:39 PM »
Thanks Ray

General Mach Discussion / Re: Homing to slow
« on: March 21, 2011, 04:29:16 PM »
Thanks Hood, Ive seen the 20% default for homing.. I'll leave this alone for now... Last thing I need is a crashed Machine before I even Cut anything

General Mach Discussion / Homing to slow
« on: March 21, 2011, 01:34:11 PM »
Why when I ref all home that no matter where my spindle is located that it goes so slow to the home switches... Is there a way to change it so it can home at a normal speed until it gets close to the home switches then start to slow down.. Thanks

General Mach Discussion / Re: Spindle on/off Relay
« on: March 21, 2011, 12:57:29 AM »
Figured it out, it was the wrong pin number.. Thanks again Hood

General Mach Discussion / Re: Spindle on/off Relay
« on: March 20, 2011, 08:16:35 PM »
No the button does nothing... Its a porter cable trim router with a on/off switch.. I can manually turn it off/on... when I run the road runner file and i manually turn the router on, it doesnt shut off at the end of the file.. thanks

General Mach Discussion / Re: Spindle on/off Relay
« on: March 20, 2011, 07:54:49 PM »
Thanks Hood But I must still be missing something. When I run the roadrunner file, at the end is the M5 command but my spindle does not shutoff... under ports and pins and spindle setup, I have the box unchecked and the output for M3 is #2 and for M4 is #1... under output signals I have output#2 Enabled with port 1 and Pin 1 set to Active low.... This is correct? If it is, my spindle doesnt shutoff so where should I start looking for the error?


General Mach Discussion / Spindle on/off Relay
« on: March 20, 2011, 07:13:48 PM »
I have a control  box with a relay in it to turn on and off the spindle... I can't seem to find out in Mach where or  how to do this.. I know its an m5 command... I believe my spindle control is setup for pin1 port1. can someone direct me to where i need to enter this info... Thanks

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