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Messages - gldfshrdr

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G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Re: newbie....bitmap, jpg to Gcode?
« on: November 05, 2014, 10:34:48 AM »
Simple V-carving of outlines to start. The wife wants custom Christmas decor. I'm starting real slow. I also put up a picture of my "see through" machine. I'm not sure I can do more than foam with it but I have cut MDF using the wizards and found a wobble in the Z axis that I corrected.


It may not work for anything more than foam or light woods, I couldn't help but pick up 4 3x4 ft sheets of 1.3 inch plexiglass someone threw out. I've been playing with an XY table I put together to play with Mach 3.
 When I spotted these sheets I thought, Why not? It's still a work in progress. But here's a photo of it so far.

G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / newbie....bitmap, jpg to Gcode?
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:17:52 PM »
Reading in the manual tells me I can convert bitmaps or jpgs to Gcode. Problem is, the instructions don't match the available file menu in Mach3 2.0 . What am I missing?
I just got my CNC built and am looking for an easy way to get started carving. I have "Solvspace" as my CAD software. Solvspace does generate Gcode but it's very complicated for the type of simple things I want to do intially.


Hello!  Just starting to get serious about this. I built my CNC from scratch using 1.3 inch plexiglass. Found 4 sheets 3x4 foot being thrown out. Looked like Check cashing or ticket windows. I like the idea of "see through" machinery.  I'm a tech by day and "Lazy guy" by night.

Gldfshrdr "Gold Fish Rider"

General Mach Discussion / Re: X Limit switch challenges
« on: February 23, 2014, 01:34:58 PM »
Using the Diagnostics screen, when the Y limit is hit, just the limit LED lights up. When the X limit switch is hit, both the Limit and the Estop light up.
I had given the Estop the pin number (10). That's the pin for the X axes limit switch.

Lesson learned: Trust the Diagnostics screen.

Thanks for help Fastest1.......gldfshrdr

General Mach Discussion / Re: X Limit switch challenges
« on: February 22, 2014, 03:28:10 PM »
At the end pf  travel.

General Mach Discussion / Re: X Limit switch challenges
« on: February 22, 2014, 02:52:11 PM »
I have had it both ways and didn't make a difference. Currently it's Home switches only.

General Mach Discussion / Re: X Limit switch challenges
« on: February 22, 2014, 01:25:32 PM »
Thanks Russ. I went to "Input signal debouncing / debounce interval and set it to 1000. Didn't make a difference. Do I have to change the Index Debounce also?

Trouble shooting:

 I verified connections between the LPT! and IDC connector on the controller.
Touched up the solder points on the Controller.
swapped Y motor for X motor and it behaved the same way. And verified Y motor still reacted normally when swapped back.
I checked the Config and found X and Y config is identical.


General Mach Discussion / X Limit switch challenges
« on: February 22, 2014, 09:51:27 AM »
Yeah, I'm a nooby, My machine doesn't look like much but it's allowing me to get a feel for the  software and coordinate systems. My current challenge is using the Home switches. The Y axes homes and moves off the switch. The X axes hits the switch and just stops. It does not move off the switch. I've checked Configs and home limit settings but there doesn't seem any difference there between the axes.
I've changed the X axes switch thinking maybe a bounce or momentary contact in the switch was the cause. That didn't fix it. Any suggestions would be a big help.


Hey people! Yeah, I'm a nooby. I'm a senior tech but mostly working computer configuration for manufacturing. Been at this for 25yrs.
My handle is GLDFSHRDR, gold fish rider. I'm running Mach3 demo on a test platform I built in 5hrs from crud I had laying around.


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