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Messages - ttm

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General Mach Discussion / Re: instuctional videos
« on: January 27, 2012, 06:05:09 PM »
Just in case you are not sure where the ftp is follow this link and then click on the ftp link in it.

thank you hood, i will check it now

General Mach Discussion / Re: Z home goes past 0.0 to +1.0
« on: January 27, 2012, 05:51:32 PM »
like Hood says, need to see that screen.
Is there a "Home Off" value set for the Z in Homing/Limits ?
like Hood says, need to see that screen.
Is there a "Home Off" value set for the Z in Homing/Limits ?

under motor home/soft limits? no there is not

Thank you!

No there is not

General Mach Discussion / Re: Z home goes past 0.0 to +1.0
« on: January 27, 2012, 05:39:33 PM »
under Config, Homing/Limits, G28 Home Location Coord. Is there a "1" for the Z ?

No there is not

General Mach Discussion / Re: Z home goes past 0.0 to +1.0
« on: January 27, 2012, 05:15:27 PM »
it is like there is a setting somewhere referencing +1.0 on Z axis, but I do nto see one anywhere

by the way, thank you for your help!

General Mach Discussion / Re: Z home goes past 0.0 to +1.0
« on: January 27, 2012, 05:10:55 PM »
Ok do you have home switches?

there are but they have not been setup yet,

I do not have a ref all, but when I hit ref x,y it went past 0.0 and hit reset and when I hit ref z it wenbt past that and hit reset too

and once this happened I put the head in the center of the table about three inches off what would be the work suface, and zero's all three axis there, also +1.0 moves the z axis down to the table, I had it on the work piece, it was a good thing it is a floating head

General Mach Discussion / Re: Z home goes past 0.0 to +1.0
« on: January 27, 2012, 04:33:08 PM »
yes on the programs screen there is a button, go home, it would take you to where I had zero's all three axis at, now it sends the z axis past the 0 point +1.0 and that dro reads +1.0

FAQs / Re: New configuration now homing issues.
« on: January 27, 2012, 04:28:48 PM »
Hello DWalsh62,
If you can find what you are looking for by decompiling the code go for it! The trouble is that it is not going to help you.. There is NO setting for the pull off amount. I will tell you how homing works and then I will tell you about what is going on with your system.

How it works:
1.) Machine starts by doing a move looking for the home switch
2.) Switch is found and motor decelerates (based on the motor tuning settings)
3.) Motor reverses looking for the switch to open back up at 20% of the home speed (this is what you are calling the pull off move)
4.) Switch opens back up and the motor decelerates
5.) Axis machine position is set to zero

As you can see I never said anything about pull off distance because there is none..

What could be your issue (this is after working on problems like this for over 10 years) :
Electrical noise... How do you know that is what it is .. well I think you are telling me that it is not pulling off the home switch. On the diagnostics page please tell me if the home switch is still active after the homing is done. If the machine is on the switch you need to add some debounce to the inputs. This can be found under config general config, I would start with about 500 and see if that helps.

Now as far as you thinking that we are not responding ... I could see that there where people looking at your post as soon as you put it up.. ALSO we have full time support staff to see that if you contact us you will get taken care of in a reasonable time. I don't see the need for being so nasty, it is okay because I forgive you :) I know it can be frustrating when setting up a machine and you need to get parts done and you are dealing with software issues. Best of luck and if you need help please feel free to contact me directly.


I really need someone like yours help with mach, although I am not upset with anyone or the software or the machine, I just am not getting it is all, I have spent over 100 hours trying to figure this stuff out and am pretty frustrated, again not with anyone or anything but myself, it does not seem this confusing. but for me it is right now for some reason

I can;t even figure out how to set 0.0 as home (not limit switches, and I _think_ I understand the difference thanks to Tom at CandCNC)  righ now my machine started going +1.0 on z Axis even after setting all axis to zero at a given location for instance, I have my z about 3" off the table, press zero, then if I press go home, it blasts right past that and the dro reads +1.0

I'm not sure what I have done to create this issue
I looked at he videos some, is there a way I can download them to take them out to the shop by the machine?

thank you

thank you

General Mach Discussion / Z home goes past 0.0 to +1.0
« on: January 27, 2012, 04:10:02 PM »
hello, I can not stop my Z axis from going +1.0 when I try to take it to 0.0 it always goes past 0.0 and the dro readsz +1.0 (past work top)

I can lift the axis, push zero, the dro will read sero, and if I push go home, it moves the Z axis past 0.0 again to +1.0
can someone help me with this, it seems to have started doing this out of no where,

please keep in mind, I am still in setup of this kmachine, but it did work at one point


General Mach Discussion / instuctional videos
« on: January 27, 2012, 04:05:13 PM »
On the support site there are some video;s does any one know if there is a place to down load those, so I can move them to where the machine computer is?

Thank you

Mach4 General Discussion / definitly new here
« on: January 20, 2012, 08:42:07 AM »
I'm Tom, new here, new to CNC new TO Mach,

I have bought a used plasma router table, with a powermax1000gs and machine torch and router setup, that was not finished setting up,

 that has been partially converted, it was a Practical cnc table, rack and pinion 4*8 (it''s actually a tad larger than that) that has made parts BACKTHEN, previous owner had to replace a controller?, and practical was out of business from my understanding,

he bought CandCNC plaspakIII controllers? and a mp3000 with ubob and a DTCH, it has been morphed some since then, so I am not 100% sure of what versions of what boards are what, I did write it all down (numbers off boards and stuff)

I do not know anything about the motors for the gantry, only they are servo and possibly Gecko motors, I would love to identify them and their specs along with the encoders

I have a ton of hours in it so far, I have been on the CandCNC forum for a couple weeks now.

wish me luck!

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