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Messages - Sage

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The NFS wizards require a license to activate. I can't remember how I purchased my license it's been so long.
I think if you look in the PURCHASE pulldown at the top of this page it's listed as "add-ons for mill" for $50 but better let someone more familiar chime in here to be sure - Ron?


Newfangled Solutions Mach3 Wizards / Taskbar and NFS wizards
« on: May 31, 2011, 09:06:26 PM »
When you get to the code preview page of (at least) the cut circle wizard the "back" button is hidden behind my task bar. The only way to get to the button is to unlock the taskbar and/or make it autohide. The very bottom of the screen should be reserved (or something) so you can get to items in that area. I notice that Mach itself seems to reserve some space at the bottom - or at least something happens so there's no conflict.
 Can anything be done about this for the wizards?


Had me confused as well. I think what he's saying is the shaft of Z servo moves only 10deg at a time. Shaft turns pulley, pulley drives Z-axis linearly.

I'm wondering if it's simiilar to the issue that I was helped with which turned out to be turning on exact stop instead of constant velocity (or maybe it was the reverse)?


General Mach Discussion / Re: Artcam to Mach3 -partial file missing
« on: May 16, 2011, 04:55:36 PM »
Thanks Hood. !


General Mach Discussion / Re: Artcam to Mach3 -partial file missing
« on: May 16, 2011, 12:01:48 PM »
Ok. I was just impressed with the nice artwork - like the sudo-reflections and glare of LED's and the like.
Nice work.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Artcam to Mach3 -partial file missing
« on: May 16, 2011, 10:44:42 AM »
WHile you're waiting - Quick question - Wow that's a nice looking screenset you posted a picture of back a but. Is that available somewhere or did you write it?


Yes. I'd like an answer to this too. There are definitely times when you want to use CV mode (I think) and without some hard and fast rule it might - with my poor memory - send me back around this trouble loop again.

Yes, please post some pictures. You had me wondering what you were up to.


Bingo !!!  
That was it. I changed it to "Exact Stop" and it's fine.

Please explain why, and is that really what you want it to do?


Ok, I turned off the wrap around and got rid of the odd A moves.
Now it makes more sense and I can get back to the original problem I see with feeds.

I reduced the program down to the minumum required to observe the issue here:

(This code screws up Z moves. Z goes at high feed rate of previous A move instead of G0 rate)
N100 G20
N110 G0 G17 G40 G49 G80 G90
N150 G1 Z.422 F40.
N160 A62.222 F1357.7
N170 G0 Z.542 (Z moves at high feedrate instead of G0 rate here - misses steps)

N190 G1 Z.422 F40.
N200 A-62.222 F1357.7
N210 G0 Z.542 ( again Z moves at high feedrate instead of G0 rate here - misses steps)


If I single block step the above code it works fine.  ???
There is no reason it should. Mach must be missing resetting the feedrate to G0 for some reason.
So I went to the next step and added optional stops M1 before the Z moves and ran it full speed again like this:

(Running at full speed this one works with M1 to pause before G0 Z move)
N100 G20
N110 G0 G17 G40 G49 G80 G90
N150 G1 Z.422 F40.
N160 A62.222 F1357.7
N170 G0 Z.542 (Z moves properly at G0 rate here)

N190 G1 Z.422 F40.
N200 A-62.222 F1357.7
N210 G0 Z.542 (again Z moves properly at G0 rate here)


So this one above runs fine and proves that for some reasom Mach needs some time to process the G0 and re-adjust the feedrate after the previous high feed rate.
So I decided to remove the high feedrates and change the A moves to G0's here:

(This file fixes Z move by setting A moves to G0 instead of high feed rate)
N100 G20
N110 G0 G17 G40 G49 G80 G90
N150 G1 Z.422 F40.
N160 G0 A62.222 (making A move at G0 speed also fixes problem)
N170 G0 Z.542 (Z moves properly here)

N190 G1 Z.422 F40.
N200 G0 A-62.222 (making A move at G0 speed also fixes problem)
N210 G0 Z.542 (Z moves properly here)


 The A axis still moves as fast as it can and it works fine. Presumably this would not be suitable for the application because the feedrate of A might have something to do with the shape of the cut required. But it does prove that the F1357.7 is the culprit.

So my conclusion is that Mach is screwing up.
Why not on all machines - I don't know. Probably some odd combination of the config and hardware employed.
Or others are not noticing the Z missing steps and don't hear anything. The separate DRO on Z shows it for me.

I forgot to try swapping the Z moves for an X or Y to see if something is odd there. I presume the X would screw up on my machine since all the motors are the same. I'll try it later and report back.

So Brian, Hood or anyone else - Got any ideas ????


Ok. I'm really confused now  ???

Can someone run this slightly modified version of the original code listed below.
Put on the SINGLE BLOCK and run it a line at a time.
For me sometimes the A axis moves, sometimes it doesn't.

On my machine (possibly due to config) if the A DRO is sitting at +62.222 and you tell it to go to -62.222 it rotates the A axis counting down from +62.222 to 0 and then continues backwards from 360 till it gets back to +62.222 again. This I expect because I have it configured to wrap around BUT:
On some of the lines it does nothing with the A at all. Sometimes when told to go to +62 or -62 it skips the line doing nothing and I can't see why.

Also note the Feedrate changes as you go along.

I'm really confused. Seems you've created quite the wicked code here.

I don't mean to take this thread off course but until I figure this out I can't get a handle on the feed issue.

N100 G20
N110 G0 G17 G40 G49 G80 G90
N120 T1 M6
N130 G0 G90 G55 X0. Y0. G4 P08 A-62.222 S4000 M3
N140 G43 H1 Z.542
N150 G1 Z.422 F40.
N160 A62.222 F1357.7
N170 G0 Z.542

N180 X-.04 A-62.222

N190 G1 Z.422 F40.
N200 A62.222 F1357.7
N210 G0 Z.542

N220 X-.08 A-62.222

N230 G1 Z.422 F40.
N240 A62.222 F1357.7
N250 G0 Z.542

N260 X-.12 A-62.222

N270 G1 Z.422 F40.
N280 A62.222 F1357.7
N290 G0 Z.542

N300 X-.16 A-62.222

N310 G1 Z.422 F40.
N320 A62.222 F1357.7
N330 G0 Z.542

N340 X-.2 A-62.222

N350 G1 Z.422 F40.
N360 A62.222 F1357.7



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