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Messages - boskap

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PoKeys / Re: Change Stepper to Servo
« on: October 26, 2017, 06:47:44 PM »

over posteps ?
or posteps are didnt needed because this servos have the driver implemented

but how i connect them direct to pokeys57cnc

PoKeys / Change Stepper to Servo
« on: October 26, 2017, 04:52:12 PM »
Is it Possible to change my StepperMotors  to this Servo with integrated Driver

How i must them Connect to the Pokeys57cnc ?
Settings ?

thx Peter

PoKeys / Re: Emergency reset
« on: October 26, 2017, 03:55:43 PM »
Ethernet direkt connection with notebook

PoKeys / Re: Emergency reset
« on: October 26, 2017, 06:26:46 AM »
i know
but you missunderstud or i did not explain it right

the g code programm is finished
and spindle is driving back to zero point
all done
know i can jog
when i let the machine in this state and vome back agter 10 or 15 min
and want to jog thhen i become the message

PoKeys / Re: Emergency reset
« on: October 25, 2017, 09:08:51 PM »
thx that work

second issue
when i milling a job
all is done and ichange the nex workpiece what can took a while
now go back to the PC
when i now want to jog sometimes it didnt work
"the device did not accept jog commands" is the message
only solution ist to close mach3 and start it agaim

Did anybody know why

thx Peter

PoKeys / Re: Emergency reset
« on: October 25, 2017, 03:29:08 AM »
but sorry for my missunderstand
if i have no e-stop switch it is the same as when the switch is open
my problem is thaht pokeys meas i press the estop and that is not

´must the estop switch close the connection between pin 4-6 and when i press it it cut the connection or the other way

PoKeys / Re: Emergency reset
« on: October 25, 2017, 12:36:19 AM »
no i dint need it by now
al works great and i only milling wood
the pin inputs are standard setup
400 ohn to ground ?

PoKeys / Re: Emergency reset
« on: October 24, 2017, 05:56:03 PM »
Is it Possible to dongrade firmware to see if this is the problem ?

PoKeys / Emergency reset
« on: October 24, 2017, 02:19:54 PM »
With latest Polabs version an Firmware
Pokeys57cnc v1.2 sometime means that Emergeny Button is pressed
but i didnt have one and the in the Pulse engine the emergency is inverted

befor i have no problems
nothing else is changed

any idea or workaround

PoKeys / Re: PWM Settings for Pokeys57CNC
« on: September 12, 2016, 06:54:27 AM »
pwm is solved
and also spindle override

my problem is that when a job is finished and spindle turns down and wait for me when im back in the room that in this time where mach3 and pokeys have nothing to too the felt in a "icall it Trance"
jog is then slowly and one of my two x axis motors are crying and stand still at jogging
not always the same motor, one of the two x axis motors, master or the slave one
make all powerless an restart and all working fine
so I think this is only a problem off v2 plugin

I go back to v1 and manage spindle by hand
but this "trance" is also in v1 now I must see
I forgot to shutdown everythink before mill next
and my workpiece was damaged this weekend

and the PC is a I7 with ssd  and 16gb ram
win7 64bit
all energy power savings are disabled
direct lan cable connected to pokeys
fixed ip's

when the problem is then only the x master and slave axis have the problem
I send you later  pokes.xml and motor settings from mach3

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