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Messages - 1Acnc

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Mach3 under Vista / Re: newbie with mach 3 need some help setting up.
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:03:50 PM »
Not sure I understand your question but I do not think your CNC/Mach3 is calibrated for the correct number of steps too turns. So if you tell the machine to step 100mm it should. Until that is right no sense setting up soft limits. You should be able to set up Homing if the switches are working.

I have been resisting learning about screens, the learning curve for this hobby is steep. CAD, CAM, Mach control and G_Code. I just did not want to learn one more thing. I have been reading this forum for some time and kept seeing Screen were the answer to many problems/Question.
I did not know what is was, now I do. I am going to post a little of what I learned.

There are 3 Screen designers at http://www.machsupport.com/software/downloads-updates/screensets/ , They make changing a screen almost like writing a Macro. I ended up using  Klaus’ MachScreen program. I use the Mach3 .set file as a base, I made a couple backup of the 1024.set file so I could always get back to what I had. I down loaded Klaus’ MachScreen program then open it. Watch the video on how to use. Open one of the backup files I made. I decided to add a page instead of modifying the pages that came with the program So with Klaus’ MachScreen program open there is a flyout menu that has lots of information on it. All your inputs  are done here. Select the down arrow on the "page" box  and sel page 0 ( note what pages are being used). This page 0 has all the global stuff on it that will be seen on all pages. I added a button to the right of the Dianogtic button. By useing the flyout menu, clicking new in the "page" box and the next page that was open was 11 so I added page 11. Next I went to the "control box" down arrow clicked on the button, then click "add" and then click in the graphic area and a button will appear that you can then move or size to what you need. Now at the bottom of the Flyout menu there is a box that is label button this is where you can make this button do what you want. In the "Text on ctrl" you can label the button. Double click on the "function" and all the thing that this button will do are listed. Pick "screen select page 11". Make sure "global" is marked yes. Position the button where you want it. I moved the mode over to the right and placed it to the left of it. Save the changes you have made. In Mach3 sel the "View" pull down "load the screen" add the file you have just change. You should now have a new button where you added it and if you sel it you should have a blank page except items that were on page 0 that are global. You should be able to sel any of the other pages to get back to old screens/pages. I then in Klaus’ MachScreen program pull up the pages that had the operation that I wanted on my new page and copied them.  Note the code number as it is easier to enter then finding the function name. Also note the name on the top of the box to see what you are adding, like DRO, Button LED,ect.
It was that easy.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Do I have a problem
« on: September 12, 2014, 10:48:39 PM »
Thanks to all that replied.
I have been resisting learning about screens, the learning curve for this hobby is steep. CAD, CAM, Mach 3  and G_Code. I just did not want to learn one more thing. I have been reading this forum for some time and kept seeing Screen were the answer to many problems or questions.
I did not know what is was, now I do. I am going to post a little of what I learned.
Again thanks

General Mach Discussion / Re: Do I have a problem
« on: September 07, 2014, 11:08:33 PM »
I looked at the Tool path page, I did not find anyplace to turn on the Jog LED , is that correct? So you are saying that you can not use key board short cut keys on the Tool Path page?

General Mach Discussion / Do I have a problem
« on: September 07, 2014, 01:59:36 PM »
When on the Program Run page, my my keyboard short cut keys ( the 4 arrow key and I am using A and Z for Z axes ) work to move the DRO and the motor run. If I go to the Tool Path page they stop working. I can hit the TAB key and the jog screen appears and the mouse can be used to move the motors. If I go to the diagnostics page, the hot keys work fine for moving the motor and DRO. Is this the way it works or do I  have something set wrong? The reset button is green. Using a Dell machine, with XP and Mach 3.   ???

Modbus / Re: New to cnc and software controls, need some help
« on: August 31, 2014, 12:52:33 PM »
Found this on the CNC zone forum

 two arduino modbus threads at the Machsupport forum

Maybe other place to look?

General Mach Discussion / Re: Nema23 velocity and acceleration
« on: August 15, 2014, 12:20:25 PM »
One of the things I did was to see how fast I could run my Y & X axes to see where the motor would stall, was not cutting. I am direct drive and my systems, with smaller motor then you have, would run at 170 ipm. I do mostly wood so I do not run more then 70 ipm, so feel safe that I will not lose steps.  As motor increase in RPM they lose power to drive the screw. So once they are stalled and you back off the speed they pick up more power to turn the screw, that is why I feel safe at 50% speed, I am new to this also but that is what I can up with.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach4 Wizard screen shot
« on: July 12, 2014, 12:54:54 PM »
1 Looks nice and clean. I like it.
2 I am one of your newbee user. What is a Drill cycle? Everything else was self explanatory. Maybe if I had the pull down feature to look at the list of option, it would be clear as to what it is. Or put a hint on the first item of the list.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Z-Axis Home Problems
« on: May 28, 2014, 08:24:29 PM »
Did a search on this and came up with this
also looking thru the manual found
Engine Config - Mill Option - Z-Inhibit not checked.   General Option not checked. not sure either has anything to do with your problem. You know I have run out of Idea when I start reading the manual.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Z-Axis Home Problems
« on: May 28, 2014, 05:57:39 PM »
I did not think you had a miss wire but some wire were induction ele noise into the Z lines but I was also thinking the system was zeroing the Z and I see that is not the case. So forget the noise idea.
I am at a lost.
Does the z ever move/run, jog or step?
Stepper or servo motors?
I would probably swap pin 1 and 2 in the Engine Config Port and Pins and then change in the Motor Home and Soft Limits, Home neg on Y and Z. To see if problem tracks.

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