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Messages - Rotax91

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Well after much searching, I think I found what I was looking for.

"2) On the Settings screen, turn ON "Auto Limit OverRide". This allows you to reset the E-stop and move off of the limit switch with manual motion control (arrow keys).  "

^^  I haven't physically tried it yet.  If someone could confirm for me that this is what I want, great!  Basically what I want is, if a limit switch is tripped because of over travel, I want to be able to take my handheld MPG and back off away from the limit switch.  I don't wanna have to manually do it by turning the lead screw. That's a pain especially for my Y axis because it's dual drive.  I then have to re-sync Y & A.


Hey, Ger... your a genius.    Mine was actual unchecked before I did anything.  I had to check mark it.  Works great now when I "home" it.  Bumps the switch and then backs off.

I have one last question.  Home works great now.  My limits function work too(except...).  I force the machine to hit the limit and it goes to E-stop mode.  However, Is it supposed to back off as well when it bumps the limit?? Only way I can go active again is to manually turn the lead screw so that the bearing block moves away from the limit switch.  I would like it to do the same thing that it does when it's homing.  Or can't it do that?

Thanks much.

Hey guys,  let me first say that my machine runs just fine when cutting.  This problem only exists when trying to do a Ref All Home.  I run a dual drive Y axis  (Y & A).  When I do R.A.H., only the Y axis is searching for home.  'A' isn't even turning at all.  It's like it's ignoring the Slave axis function and my gantry starts to twist.  I have to kill it so it doesn't stall out my motor.  What am I doing wrong.  I can't seem to find what I'm missing here.

Thanks for any help on this.

Well Hood, that's exactly what it was.  A tool offset.  It was at exactly 100.000.  I must have done this awhile back by accident.  I have no idea why it would be there otherwise.  All is good!

Thanks for the help.

Hello Hood,

Thanks for your quickness.  I will check those tonight after work.  If any value is in there, I'm assuming I want it zero.  I don't want offsets.   I place a thin piece of paper under the tooling, lower Z until I can't move the paper and zero it out. Just tedious when I have to do it twice.

Will post back later.

General Mach Discussion / Always need to zero "Z" a 2nd time, Why?
« on: July 13, 2012, 03:52:12 PM »
Hey guys,  Mach 3 runs great for me with 1 exception.  It does this every time.  I always need to zero the Z axis a 2nd time.  For example, when I touch off the top of my work piece, zero out Z on the DRO, then start the run cycle, Z will go from about 100.000 or so instead of from its relative location from where I touched it off.  I repeat the whole process again,  touch off, zero out DRO....etc..  and it's fine.  Always takes that 2nd time.

Any ideas on why?

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