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Messages - engraversoflight

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Are you serious when you say you see smoother motion out of your steppers when you use an external motion controller?

If so, what is the best one, and what are the best computer specs to use with one?  I am always looking to increase the quality (and speed) of my CNCs/V-Carving.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Replacement Computers
« on: April 26, 2018, 06:12:42 AM »
And if you need a computer with Win7 32 bit, you can get refurbs on Amazon.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Replacement Computers
« on: April 26, 2018, 06:11:59 AM »
I think what the OP is asking is, can Mach3 be put on a Win10 computer to verify work, not to control motion.  If this is the answer, then yes, I do it all the time.

You can get 32 bit Win7 computers on Amazon for pretty cheap.  I think mine came from Recircuit.

Well that answers my question.  Never got into the external motion controllers.  All my PCs have the parallel ports.

Did I miss something with 32bit vs. 64bit?  I was under the impression Mach can only be utilized on a 32 bit system.  Therefore the newest operating system I have is Windows 7 32 bit on two of my machines.  The others are XP.  You can get a good machine off Amazon for this.  No wifi, don't plug into the network.  The computer will not need to be "monitored" then because the kids will not be able to get online.  If this comes down to a wild west shootout with the Tech Dept at your school, you will need to go over their heads if you want your CNC to work.  Having been a teacher I can say the tech dept can be kind of controlling at times.  Best of luck.  And yes I agree with the others...no production rig should ever be hooked up to the internet.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Advice Please On Cam Software
« on: October 30, 2017, 09:54:36 AM »
Vectric for sure

I've had a number of computers go down.  I get on Tiger Direct and look for a Windows 7 32 bit PC with the parallel port.  Doesn't need to be XP, it can be Win 7, but my understanding is it has to be 32 bit not 64 bit.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Loosing steps on the Z?
« on: August 24, 2017, 11:20:34 AM »
Does it do this when you're carving nothing?  If so, possibly lost steps.

Motor config is very easy.  Just go to config>motor tuning and then change your velocity down and your acceleration down.  For instance my machine came with a velocity of 750 ipm and acceleration of 20 in/sec/sec.  So I just went to 500 ipm and 10 in/sec/sec.  Do the same and just run the machine and see if you like how it moves.  These are the settings for my x and y and my z axis velocity is a little less than that.

If it doesn't do it while carving nothing, the first thing I would try is do you have the z axis well lubricated?

May have to make more passes at it?  Dull tooling?

General Mach Discussion / Re: Problems with small cnc machine
« on: August 21, 2017, 12:42:56 PM »
I've had motors go bad, the grinding and catching is all in the motors.  At that point, you have reached the end of your flow chart: buy a new motor.

Does your machine have timing belts?  A broken timing belt?

Does your machine have gears attached to said belts?  I have had those bearing go bad as well. 

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