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Messages - alfaalfa

Pages: « 1 2 3 4 »
dspMC/IP Motion Controller / Re: AxisWorks tuning
« on: September 14, 2010, 07:14:10 PM »
Maybe a too late response but do you use the CV mode in Mach3 and have you tweaked it's parameters already?

Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Re: The Laser Project.
« on: September 14, 2010, 06:59:23 PM »
Hello Laser Tweaker's!

I've been out from this site for a long time and just happened to check what all is happening in laser path  ;)

There was a question why RF exited units are more liked in industry?
1. They are very reliable. Can last N * 10 000 h without any problems. After this Synrad lasers can be serviced only at manufacturers service but if you send back the old unit in good shape - you'll get a another unit with reasonable price (less than a new unit thou).
2. Size is much smaller than with NF DC laser
3. RF unit is much more rigid and solid. Glass is a bit risky.
4. High voltage DC is a bit jumpy! Can cause heart beats  :o
5. Life of a glass tube NF CO2 is short. 500 - 1000 h often realistic.

About the CO2- scanner lenses.
Normally singlet lenses are used. A compromise between F-theta quality vs. price. You can try

or used ones from:

but they won't be very cheap there. If you find a cheap one - it's very probably ruined in some cleaning operation and full of scratches. ZnSe is actually a type of salt ie. quite soft. Rough cleaning will destroy it.

BTW. The Synrad laser can be tested just by steering it with 5V DC signal which will put it in ON state with full power.


General Mach Discussion / Re: M-command speed and delays
« on: January 08, 2009, 05:36:08 AM »
The IO delay problem still exists.

After first trials it seems EMC2 does not have this problem. It seems these real time controls are still easier to do in Linux than in Old-un-Faithfull Win.

Any news? Do I need to start re-building the whole CNC-control to suit EMC2?

BR. Arto

General Mach Discussion / Re: M-command speed and delays
« on: October 31, 2008, 06:32:11 AM »
I have spent some time thinking about this workaround. I could do it for our machine but for machines to be selled out - this would not work well because of the safety reasons.

All in all - this would be a another 'glued on' feature to Mach3.

I think the brain function would be as slow as the others in handling the outputs.

It seems the enthusiasm to develop Mach has gone?

" Perfectness - real or imaginated - is the end of development "

BR. Arto

General Mach Discussion / Re: M-command speed and delays
« on: October 20, 2008, 06:35:33 PM »
OK. I tested the dev version today.

...pair repeated 20 times took 5 seconds if Activate/DeActivate commands used (new installation overwrites changes to M3 and M5 macros) and twice longer with DoSpin's.

Ie. one output change takes 125 ms. This is also exactly the same if I have toolpath on or off. I'm still not very happy with this and I can't see much progress.

I'm planning my next machine and yesterday I spent some time to evaluate EMC2. A lot of extra work if I need to go for it.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Omron drives and motors?
« on: October 19, 2008, 06:14:10 PM »
OK. Let's try..

A70 means you have ca. 300% of the nominal motor torque. If this happens after slow motion (?) of ca 250 mm you must load the motor far too much.
What's the power of the servo you are adjusting?

1. If your motor in unpowered - can you turn it by hand with your mechanics attached? If the motor is something less than 750W you should be able to turn the axis pretty easily. Please check the full movement by hand to see possible misalignment problems.

2. Is you motor having electromechanic brake? You are sure it's off while the system is powered up?

3. You said 'running through PC'. Is this meaning you have adjusted the servopack with Omron's PC software and it runs fine with it?? If so then you need to tweak (lower) acceleration settings (motor tuning) in Mach.

4. If you follow Omron manual to adjust the servopack - you can quite easily do this by hand too. Autotuning in these Sigma I servo's is rather limited and won't suite for all possible loads. Try to return to factory settings in the SigmaWIN software, change the Pulse/Dir signal settings and start again sevo PID adjustment. When this is fine in SigmaWIN - go to Mach and set the acceleration and max speed correctly.

I can send you my setting values but I'm pretty sure they are not much of help as the mechanical setting can be really different..

BR. Arto

General Mach Discussion / Re: M-command speed and delays
« on: October 17, 2008, 10:30:58 AM »
Yes. Activate and DeActivate is taking ca. 150 ms to process and DoSpin ca. 300 ms. This is what I meant with direct output. I have tested this with several output lines and the same problem exists. I've got also the proposal to use one direction pin to control the shutter but as I'm mainly using DSPmc/IP there's no such in use.

And yes - Mach with parallel ports takes as much time as Mach with DSPmc does.  No difference. Delay must come from 'kernel' processes.

The Mach version I'm using is 3.041

BR. Arto

General Mach Discussion / Re: Height Following
« on: October 17, 2008, 10:12:47 AM »
I think the electromechanical sensor (ring around the nozzle, linear slide and distance sensor) and capasitive one are those which can work in real life. You can think of optical and ultrasonic ones but how many you need of those as you must sense around the nozzle - just one spot is not sufficient?

I agree the sensor ring is the right one for WJ and AWJ. If you need to minimize scrathes to your workpiece - the sensing can happen when piercing and then only occasionally say once per 200 mm or something.

With thin materials some vibrations may occur. With mechanical sensing these can be damped too.

BR. Arto

General Mach Discussion / Re: M-command speed and delays
« on: October 17, 2008, 05:36:14 AM »
Yes. I know. This is not an issue for everybody. If you control a relay- which commands a contactor - which starts a Y/D starter - which starts a 40 kW spindle...

However I need to contrl a laser that can be modulated up to ca. 100 kHz. With Mach I can't dream about modulation when even the swithing on and off is slow.

I'm now calculating a application where one part has 122 holes. Piercing time can be zero. Now I loose 122x0,3s=37 s/piece where cutting time is 181s. This is 20% more time than with a competitive controller. Next year 17 000 pcs should be made. 174 hours more production time needed because of this delay. A bit less than 10% of the yearly daytime working time.

Please try a simple program:


How much time it took? 3 s ?

BR. Arto

General Mach Discussion / M-command speed and delays
« on: October 17, 2008, 04:40:57 AM »

This is a topic discussed earlier too but I still have the problem that processing M03 M05 commands in Mach3 takes too much time ie. ca 150 ms each.
If you use DoSpin commands inside your M's the time is ca 300 ms and it's not constant delay either. I'm using direct output commands in M-commands - a bit faster.

Any news of this?

BR. Arto

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