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Topics - kolias

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My router is a Bosch 16176 model, 2.25HP, 12Amps, VS (8-25K RPM) and I try to set it using a C33 BOB. This BOB has two AC Terminals one for the router and one for coolant or vacuum but I only use the router terminal. On the router terminal its written ON/OFF=PIN 1, Speed=PIN 14 and I have set this pins on Mach3 Ports & Pins/Motor Outputs and Output Signals

On the Mach3 spindle setup tab I have checked the Disable Spindle Relays, Use Spindle Motor Output and PWM Control and I have put PWM frequency 300, and Min PWM 5%.

On the Mach3 Motor Tuning I have 1000 for steps per and the Accel/Vel are set to the middle of the range

When I use M3S8000 the router starts ok but when I use M5 it takes about 8 seconds before the router comes to a complete stop (at about 5 seconds it starts reducing the RPM and then slowly stops). However the worst is when I exit Mach3 after 3-4 seconds the router starts at full speed!

Then I re start Mach3 and without doing anything the router continuous to run and after 5 seconds it stops.

Any idea what is wrong?

General Mach Discussion / Motor Drivers Current Settings
« on: June 20, 2016, 09:37:57 AM »
I have 4 KL-5056 drivers rated at 20-50VDC, 5.6A. Available current settings with their DIP switches are 3.2A, 3.8A, 4.3A, 4.9A, and 5.6A

My motors are KL23H2100-35-4B, rated voltage 2.55, current 3.5A

Which current setting should I choose on the drivers?

General Mach Discussion / Adding New Home Switch
« on: June 19, 2016, 11:08:58 AM »
I would like to add a Home switch to my A axis and the easiest way to do it is to wire in series the X Home switch which is already wired to Pin 12 with the new A Home switch. Is there a problem with this setup or it has to be a separate wiring ?

General Mach Discussion / Shielded Cable to Earth Ground?
« on: April 22, 2016, 04:37:56 PM »
The cable for each of my four 381oz.in stepper motors is 18AWG shielded. At the opposite end of each motor I connect the 4 shields together and go with 1 wire to the earth ground (that’s the earth ground from the 120VAC).

For the 46VDC /7.3A power to each motor driver I use 20AWG shielded cable. I did not daisy chain the drivers but rather I took separate cables from the PSU to each driver. Should I connect the shield from these cables to the earth ground or it’s not required?

General Mach Discussion / G-Code and Dwell Button
« on: March 20, 2016, 05:05:57 PM »
When I try to test run my gcode in Mach3, the dwell button blinks, the status line shows MIN-Z-.0625 and the program stops. After a few seconds the status line says “radius to end of arc differs from radius start, Block=N100……” and the CV Mode button is green

My cam software runs the code to the end with no problems

I attach a part of the gcode

What is wrong in my gcode?

General Mach Discussion / Can’t Backout from Limits
« on: March 12, 2016, 02:55:45 AM »
I have set in the Settings screen the AutoLimit OverRide but when I jog any axis and hit a limit, the machines stops, the status line says limits switch triggered but then I can’t jog out (I get the windows which says to fix it, I click fix it and still can’t backout)

When I trigger any limit by hand, it works like it should and in the diagnostic screen I have no lit LED. Estop and Probe works

All limits are set to Active Low (Green) and if I set them to Active High (Red) triggering any by hand non works.

Where should I look to fix the problem?

General Mach Discussion / Can’t get Probe to Work
« on: February 29, 2016, 10:59:08 AM »
Using a C10 BOB and pins 15 / 5V when I click the auto zero button on Mach3 my probe goes up 2” and then it stops.

The alligator clip is connected with a black wire to 5V pin with a 120 Ohms 1/4 Watt resistor between the clip and the 5V pin. The touch 3/8” aluminum plate is connected with a red wire to pin 15. In the ports & pins settings the probe uses pin 15 and the Active Low has a red X setting.

If I switch the wires, black to pin 15 and red to 5V, when I touch the plate to the router I get an Estop warning.

The C10 jumper for pins 10 to 15 is set to pull-down (pins 1-2) and everything is working well except for the probe. If I set them to pull-up my Estop does not work

The script I copy from the web is
Message( "Auto Zeroing..." )
If IsSuchSignal (22) Then
code "G31 Z-2 F20"
While IsMoving()
Call SetDRO( 2, .375 )
code "G1 Z1"
End If

What is wrong?

General Mach Discussion / New CNC Startup Problems
« on: February 24, 2016, 10:20:34 PM »
After setting up Mach3 on my new cnc (ports, units, Limits, motors, etc.), the 3 motors are dead but the DRO’s and E-stop are the only items working. I have power on the 3 KL-4030 drivers (36VDC), the light is ON on the BOB C-10 but pressing the keyboard arrow keys only the DRO’s are moving.

Can someone point me to what items need to be checked first?

General Mach Discussion / Wiring E-Stop to Disable Outputs
« on: February 23, 2016, 07:38:51 PM »

The attached image is a sample wiring on how to wire the E-stop as hardware disable. I understand the wiring but I’m not sure how to physically do the connections. My BOB is a C10 and I use pin 10 to connect my E-stop

On the left side of the E-stop we have a line which connects the E-stop to 5VDC and on the right side of the E-stop we splice to the line which runs from the EN pin to a signal pin at the top of the board.

Instead of splicing can I wire from the right side of the E-stop to the EN pin?

BTW I plan not to use the external enable switch, I find the E-stop is sufficient

General Mach Discussion / 1/4" 2 Flute End Mill
« on: January 09, 2016, 02:53:23 PM »
I used a 1/4" 2 flute end mill to make a 6” long slot on a 3/8” thick piece of aluminum. The end results were good but I had a hard time with the router which was not going smooth thru each pass. I used multi passes each about 1/32” and the router at about 15K RPM

Perhaps a 2 flute end mill is not the right choice? I also have similar end mills with 1 flute and 4 flute

Any suggestions?

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