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Topics - Brian Barker

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LazyCam (Beta) / Dot Width Deffusion (for cutting pics)
« on: March 12, 2006, 08:43:02 PM »
I know have LazyCam outputting code for dot width diffusion :) This is a nice fast way to put out t picture... At this point you are going to have to use a 90 deg V bit but at some point I will add in code so you can pick any point angle. I hope to have a sample in the next few days...

I am working on points and drilling so once that is done I think I am ready for  release...

Looking good...

General Mach Discussion / Multi Pass Wizard
« on: December 09, 2005, 08:14:52 AM »
There is a new video for multi pass to help you learn to use it. I you would like to comment on the wizard and or ask for changes in how the wizard functions.
Here is the link to the video:

Thank you for your input

General Mach Discussion / Fun with Mach3 at the shop
« on: December 02, 2005, 12:04:17 PM »
Here are some pic's from work that Nate from work put up :) You can see that we have the CNC Plasma running now :o The cuts were made on a 10Deg slop to test the plasma's THC that we built. The THC is a DL06 PLC and a Little VB that Nate and I worked on. The cut was made a 18IPM so the THC was doing a little work.

The other pics are a mold the we cut to show off / test Mach3. It took 45 min to run the part at 35IPM... If I had more spindle speed I could have run it much faster! The mill is a series 2 Bp with Gecko drives and a VFD spindle.


Have fun :)


Newfangled Solutions Mach3 Wizards / Teach Wizard A Bit more
« on: November 28, 2005, 08:58:55 PM »
After Benny fixes my uploading problem Pic's will be added.

The FIRST think you need to do in teach is have a part OR a drawing on the table of your mill/router/plasma. The teach wizard WILL NOT work at the desk!
1. once you have the part ready to trace you need to jog to where you would like to start the part 
2. press the NEW TECH FILE button. This will make a new file that you can "TEACH" the Gcode into.
3. Now Press the Rapid button too write a rapid move to where you are
4. Jog the Z axis down (Should be in Negative Zoos) and press "Liner Feed Move"
5. now move to a point and press  "Liner Feed Move" If you would like to change the feed rate you can at any time
6. to make an Arc is a bit harder The LAST point written to the tech file is the START of the Arc, So when you press "Arc Move" (the first time) you need to be at some point on the Arc(about mid arc).
7. Now jog to the ENDPOINT of the Arc and press the "Arc Move" button.

That is a bad bunch of steps but it will get you started...

It is a VERY fun tool to play with! You can make 3D arc moves :)

Hope this gets you started...
Happy teaching

Newfangled Solutions Mach3 Wizards / Newfangled shapes
« on: November 28, 2005, 06:46:31 AM »
As many of you know cutting out control panels is NO fun... SO we at Newfangled Solutions have come up with an other new idea. What we have running now is a shape wizard that is part of the Add-on for mill. This shape wizard can take a gcode file and rotate, shiftX, shiftY scale and do cutter comp if file has cutter come. You may think okay what is so cool about that... Well I just did a file that has 6 DB25 cutouts 3 at 45deg and 3 more  at 135deg. The wizard will set the depth and the step depth of the file as well... SO why did I post???? I would like to know what shapes I should have added to this?
Thank you

General Mach Discussion / Excelon file converter
« on: November 27, 2005, 11:16:17 PM »
I have been playing with C++ and I have a Excelon file converter about 95% done :) I need to have a few files for testing... is there some one here that could help me out? This is going to be part of Mach 3 so it is for the greater good :)

Thank you and I think I wold like to have some Gerber (sp???)  file's as well

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