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Topics - KatzYaakov

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Mach4 General Discussion / mcSignalWait
« on: May 22, 2023, 01:42:34 PM »
 local dhs= mc.mcSignalWait(0, mc.ISIG_INPUT2, 1, 10);
                           hreg = mc.mcRegGetHandle(0, "iRegs0/break")
                             val = mc.mcRegGetValueString(hreg)
                             val = tonumber(val)                
                             if(val==1) then
                              return 100               
                      if (dhs ~= 0) then--if not rise up in 10 second   


atach one sample but there some that the single wait just not work
i cant say when  but in some cases its just run over ,not check the input and act like the input not ok without wait the second ordered
i think ill reaplace this function with simple loop that cheack input each...500 msec... or something like that
any coment?

Mach4 General Discussion / Jog API anyone try?
« on: March 24, 2023, 12:04:25 AM »
i need move the OB axiss ,so i need use the jogging
but all my test run jogging via api got the error -18

Mach4 General Discussion / Motor OB1
« on: March 22, 2023, 04:01:03 PM »
i use now new machine 7 axiss(sure not interpolate all together)
what is the meaning of OB ? is it only limitation cant run together on same line in G code with XYZABC?
or its mean its like an external output ,mean i can run it while gcode run ,with event handler or by Mfunction?
can some one exlplain pleas the ide of OS motors?

Mach4 General Discussion / Start timer from M function
« on: February 21, 2023, 07:26:02 PM »
i have several timers on mine mach screen
like run the grease pump,blink output light.... etc
some times i need activate one timer from other timer(like service that need for some second each.. several hours)
this all its work
but when itry to START the scr object from m function its not work
i try also the way to activate any input ....then this input rise event...
this can work but many many bugs because event not always timing as you want
especially when i work with 2 kind of command ,like button and pedal ,so bug become too much

Mach4 General Discussion / new version be carfule with Xhc Mpg
« on: February 12, 2023, 11:08:17 PM »
i use the plug in for the Xhc almost 1 year with the Ftp versions without any bugs
i use the 4 axiss Xhc and manage only one button as custom Gcode to open the spindle for manual tool change
BUT last week i have in my Mdi line M3 S 1500 that i run before and stop
then i want change tool and when i press the custom button on the remote its do 2  ,open the spindle and immediately start rotate
very very dangerous
after that i disconect inverter and make some test and i confirm that several times(not all times) when you press
on the buton on the remote its run M3 or M4 sometimes for several second
my VFD its 0-10v plus relay so its cant be noise its bug command that Mach create
please guys take care for this its very dangerous,and befor this new version i never mat such problem

Mach4 General Discussion / how Fire up the timer on screen set
« on: December 13, 2022, 07:33:39 PM »
i use the the timer on screen set to start the grease pump
its real good because can give greaze in pulses according my nedde
but i cant any way how start this timer or how stop it from script or even M function

Mach4 General Discussion / set machine axess position 5 axiss+
« on: October 20, 2022, 07:53:20 PM »
we use abs encoder
we have other application that connect by RS485 chain to all drivers and inverter ,and read the ABS position
the only way we found can change mach machine position was by set homing as " home in place"
and change the offset value by external script(API) then when run homing its update the position
this have some problems ,but min time we find solution all
but still have one big issiue
when we have large axiss (6 axiss ,but there not all work paralel ,one is lath ,one is spindle hood...)
and when we run program  but in program move only with 3 or 4 axiss
one of the other extra axiss have small movement(something like 0.5mm each start block)
this small movement  are not noise ,the movement are comad from mach can see on screen
and main problem after several working the machine stack in soft limit because that axiss
****when we change back homing to normal this problem go


Mach4 General Discussion / upgrade to win 11 start problem
« on: April 27, 2022, 08:09:51 AM »
my customer upgrade to win 11( i don't know why but i believe it was that popups that bother the mind)
from that day we have big problem with loose position in mach
without any notice all machine coordinate become 0
its not happened many ,but its can happened after finish homing
 when start program
is some one matt such?
maybe its new update of microsoft fire wall?
or Mcafee?

Mach4 General Discussion / Best way work with Modbus
« on: February 04, 2022, 12:55:44 AM »
i have question about the way work with modbus
i can each  time i want data or send data open the com send then close the com
second way is establish the com then not close it until close much
first option have advantage that less problems with com fail and save computer time
but second option give me the advantage of listen of avent like error..
what do you think?

i use Api from c# to load gcode ,generate and run
i try so many options but not find any way to know when each command finish its cycle and i can go next step
itry with get the error value( that was mach support ide) but its not help ,i got "0" mean all ok but its nothing
i try by read the par value for example 4113 that give M function ,but when i make loop to cheack this value ,the cycle in  mach stop
so ...only have its option to put deley ,but this give us many deley while start up program for nothing
any help?
***is steve still on this forum? some one know?

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