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Messages - quilt-ez

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General Mach Discussion / Re: Z Homing Bug?
« on: January 06, 2009, 10:47:02 AM »
Didn't think about that.  Thanks for the help.  It is working now so I'll give it a try when it acts up again.  Roger

General Mach Discussion / Z Homing Bug?
« on: January 05, 2009, 05:07:39 PM »
On my setup I've got 3 homing switches, X, Y, Z.  After each part I run G28.1 to home each axis just in case any steps were lost.  Z, Y, and X axis slowly home, hit the switch, then back off a bit. The Z axis, though, is not always consistent on it's homing procedure.  Most times it raises until the homing switch is tripped, then backs off a bit. This is then referenced as zero.  It appears to get in some mode where it forgets to back off the switch.  I'll "reference home" and it will move until the switch is tripped and not back off the switch. This then becomes the new Z zero and the tool becomes .050 higher than originally.   X and Y axis will continue in the home routine with each one backing off their respective switches.  It is very bizarre.  I've found I can go into "homing/limits" and re-set the Home Off. number and the Z axis "backing off" will start to work again. 
I haven't been able to see a pattern on when/why this happens.  Any ideas on a fix would be helpful.  Thanks


General Mach Discussion / Re: No Pulse Frequency!
« on: December 08, 2008, 01:17:39 PM »
Sucess!!  Sucess!!  I reinstalled the driver with your mach3.noapic file and it worked this time!!  The pulse frequency comes up and the router moves!!  I can now use Version 3.042!! 

Here is how it was fixed;
1) Install Version 3.042.020
2) Place Brian's "Mach3.noapic" in Mach folder
3) Run SpecialDriver
4) Reboot
5) Run Mach

Thanks again.  This is a great program and has worked great in our shop!  Thanks again.  Roger

General Mach Discussion / Re: No Pulse Frequency!
« on: December 08, 2008, 12:46:57 PM »
Hey what do you know!  It does have an error in there.  Some how didn't see it! 

General Mach Discussion / Re: No Pulse Frequency!
« on: December 08, 2008, 12:45:57 PM »
Here is the file.  . 

General Mach Discussion / Re: No Pulse Frequency!
« on: December 08, 2008, 12:00:49 PM »
Gave it a shot and no change.  Still got 0 pulse frequency in Mach and DriverTest works fine.  One thing I am noticing as I switch from version 3.042 to version 2.63, is the load time for the program.  Version 2.63 loads right up with a single system beep.  With version 3.042, I double click the icon, it loads the splash screen, it gives a beep and the splash screen disappears, then about a 5 sec delay, another beep and Mach loads up.  Don't know if that says anything, but it is a change from one version to another.  Thanks again for your efforts.  Roger 

General Mach Discussion / Re: No Pulse Frequency!
« on: December 08, 2008, 11:07:09 AM »
Well I think I must be in the .00001%.  I uninstalled the program,  uninstalled the driver in device manager, removed mach3.sys from the found backup files, searched for any hint of Mach3.sys (hidden folders, system folders, etc) on the computer, deleted anything and everything related, and rebooted.  Installed ver 3.042 and rebooted.  Tried DriverTest and it gave zero for pulse/sec.  Ran SpecialDriver then ran Driver Test and it gave the 36K pulse/sec.  Ran Mach3 and still 0 for pulse frequency. 

Thanks for the suggestion msraynford!  Gave it a try with this new install and still nothing.   

Now does the fact that I have to run the "no apic" SpecialDriver to get Mach to work with any version hint to any conflicts? 

Thanks again.  Roger 

General Mach Discussion / Re: No Pulse Frequency!
« on: December 06, 2008, 11:24:56 PM »

I'll give it a try when I get in to the shop on Monday.  In my past uninstalls the driver was there in the device manager and I uninstalled it as per your instructions and it was removed from the device manager. I rebooted, reinstalled the whole program, rebooted for kicks, and got the same results.  With 2.63 I can run "OriginalDriver" and Mach won't run.  I get 0 pulse frequency.  I then run "SpecialDriver" and it runs great.  No such results with version 3.042.018 or version 3.042.020.  Is it possible that the SpecialDriver has not been proven with this version of Mach?  Does anyone else use the SpecialDriver?  Thanks for the continued help.   

General Mach Discussion / Re: No Pulse Frequency!
« on: December 05, 2008, 03:48:54 PM »
Good thought.  I tried it though.  The reason I installed service pak 3 was because this new version of Mach 3 did not work.  So, using the same mentality as every other product, "Make sure all drivers and products are updated!".  So I upgraded to SP3.  And no change.  So I switched back to Mach 2.63 and the router works fine again.  There is something, some code or function, that was added to this new version that I imagine is not allowing Mach to access the driver. 
I guess if no one else has any ideas I'll stick with Mach 2.63 on this machine and just plan on upgrading when I upgrade the machine. 

General Mach Discussion / Re: No Pulse Frequency!
« on: December 05, 2008, 10:24:02 AM »
The following is from the Diagnostics page;
Time Int = +0.0
Pulse Frequency = 0
Look Ahead = 20
Time Scale = 1.000
PWM Base = 5.0
CPU Speed = 2653.00
All others under "Jog" are 0;

For DriverTest these are the results;
Parameter = 35khz

Pulse/Sec = 33723
CPU = 2653
Shortest Time = .001us
Longest Time = 35us
Apic Timing = 0
Interupt = 0
Max Variation = 32.174 us
Avg Int = 14.26
Longest Int = 46.057

Apic is also green.

Thanks for your help.  Roger

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