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Messages - Derek Ryden

Pages: 1
Mach3 under Vista / Mach3 under 32 bit Windows 7 (AGAIN!)
« on: June 16, 2015, 06:42:20 AM »
I have been running Mach3 successfully for several years under Windows XP, connected to a small lathe via a box made by Syl. That PC has now died. After reading the various posts on this subject, I got a new PC running Windows 7, 32 bit. Basic problem is that there doesn't appear to be any output to the control box. Mach 3 appears to be working as before. I've run the Driver Test utility and that said everything was OK. Downstream of the parallel port I assume everything is OK (it was fine last week). It just seems that Mach3 isn't talking to the parallel port. Any ideas? One way or another I HAVE to get this thing working!

LazyCam (Beta) / Re: Post GCode stopt functioning
« on: September 27, 2010, 09:02:45 AM »
I am trying to use Lazycam for the first time and am having a very similar problem.

When I press the Post Code button, nothing is happening.
Actually, its not quite this simple.
If I open a very simple DXF file, then post the code immediately, it generates the .TAP file and puts it in the folder I specified. However, if I now perform any operation, e.g. creating a toolpath with offset, the path creation works fine, but when I post the code nothing happens. In the Info panel I get the lines:
"Posting File." and "Posting File complete."
but there is no new .TAP file generated anywhere on the computer.

This is really furstrating, Lazycam looks perfect for translating simple dxf into Mach3 readable Gcode, but it just isn't doing what it should.
I have reinstalled both programs as suggested above, but no difference.

Pages: 1