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Messages - pavlic28

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dspMC/IP Motion Controller / Re: Repeating
« on: March 27, 2010, 04:51:51 AM »
I thought that DSPMC controller is not capable count so many pulses in higher speed, that's why I reduce pulses.
I did one more test. I test repeating (with indicator) just in DSPMC AxisWorks softwear. Here I made the same conclusions like in Mach, at higher speeds it sometime loose position (just a few microns). 
I have max. emulation 1024 pulses/rotation.
In the previous post I made a mistake ::) I didn't wrote correctly. I have 800 steps per mm.
So, I'm allmost in the same ratio as you are.

dspMC/IP Motion Controller / Re: Repeating
« on: March 27, 2010, 03:22:22 AM »
-On default I had 1000 pulses/rotation. First reduce them to 500 pulses/rotation and then 250 pulses/rotation. It  didn't help.
-Dead band settings are on 0
-I have 800 steps per inch

Today I will try to check if encoder emulation if is it OK as you suggested, but I doubt... ???

dspMC/IP Motion Controller / Re: Repeating
« on: March 25, 2010, 03:15:22 PM »
I have made several dozen of the same part in a row and they all repeat within my ability to measure.

If you go to the MDI page and do
G00 x10 y10 and then
G00 x0 y0 you should return to 0,0 plus or minus the number of encoder counts you have set up as the deadband.
I am around 4 counts IIRC which is a few tenths.

I am in imperial units.


I did as you suggest with
 indicator. My conclusiongs are folloving:
-I can repeat this porheaps 20 times and ewery time is going to the same position, but then at once the aix does not return to the same position. On the MACH is position OK, but on the indicator I can clearlly see a difference. It's a small difference  like 5 microns but it's adding together.

-I allso found out that the bigger speed I have, more often this mistakes are.

I was assuming that could be problem in the frequincy of the encoders, Today I reduce pulses per rotation (i have emulated encoder so, I can do this) but the probllem still stay.

Does any one have any suggestion?

dspMC/IP Motion Controller / Repeating
« on: March 22, 2010, 03:58:09 AM »
Does any of you guys who have been already installed DSPMC controller problem whit repeating of G Code.
I Can make a perefect circle, but I can not repeat it. It is also interesting that I can't put the axis in to the 0.000 position. they always go to the same  position as you can see on the picture bellow.

General Mach Discussion / Re: GO TO zero
« on: March 05, 2010, 03:49:41 PM »
I fix the problem. ;D I just put the diference in the formulas. Like this f(x)=x-0.45
Thank you guys anyway.

General Mach Discussion / Re: GO TO zero
« on: March 05, 2010, 01:50:39 AM »
I can normally  open it with the Internet explorer 6.0  :)

General Mach Discussion / Re: GO TO zero
« on: March 04, 2010, 02:16:37 PM »
This is the dspmc file.
thank you!

General Mach Discussion / Re: GO TO zero
« on: March 03, 2010, 08:26:51 AM »
When i push the zero button or if I put X0.0 Y0.0 Z0.0 coordinates in to the G code it is always go in to the position that I describe in first post.

General Mach Discussion / Re: GO TO zero
« on: March 03, 2010, 06:27:33 AM »
No, I had already checked that. Are there some other configurations?

General Mach Discussion / GO TO zero
« on: March 02, 2010, 03:25:06 PM »
       Hi guys!
I am using DSPMC/IP controller with servo motors.It is a milling machine. I have one problem. When I press "GO TO Z" button the machine allways go to this position:
Why dont the axis go in to the 0.000 position? ???

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