yes this is for a plasma z axis
the anaologue input is coming in from a pokeys device on modbus address 125
not bothered to work out the exact scaling factors yet, i was messing about to see if it could be done, i simlply have a pot connected at the mo to try to make a simple program that will make the axis respond to the pot position forgetting the pid loop for a minute
i have been trying bits and pieces it currently does this relyably
reads the value (Mod 125)
divides by 5
writes it to userdro 1001
Compares user dro1001 to user dro1002 (user entered value in the mach screen)
Here is where i stumble
I have tried writing this value to the z position dro but it wont seem to let me, any user dro is ok but not z position
ive also tried setting a crude threshold value and jogging the axis one way or the other depending on the value relative to the threshold, this works ok until a program is running then the g code seems to over rule it
ive also tried feeding this back into the thc up and down inputs, i can make the led slight but again has no affect on the axis, maybe there is some other criteria i must satisfy for these inputs to work, conicedently what do i do if i want to trigger an input from a brain, i guess i must enable it in the ports/pin window, is that it or do i have to specify a port or pin?
im in the process of trying to get the brain to write g code to move the axis through a macro - simple if the value is above the threshold then write one code and another if it is below the threshold but need to brush up on my scripting etc first.
Id be interested to see how you could do it, clearly reading the forum you are very capable with brains so i thank you for your help