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Author Topic: Centrino duo dual processor notebook and mach3  (Read 6688 times)

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Centrino duo dual processor notebook and mach3
« on: July 04, 2006, 05:18:55 PM »
After purchasing a used PC to run my machines, Art and I couldn't get it working so I resorted to using my home PC.....
I just received my new Dell Centrino duo Latitude D820 with port replicator (docking station) with a Printer port. Got this model specifically to see if I could use it to run my machines.
Upon first Driver test, the graph was a mess, as I kind of expected it to be. I went into MSConfig and turned off qttask and a few other items. This created a bit of a difference, but still ugly graph and lots of spikes etc.
Because this is a dual processor, I am afraid to do some of the optimizations, specifically #6 which is changing from ACPI PC to standard PC. In device manager under computer, it actually says ACPI multiprocessor PC, not just ACPI PC. The driver choices I have are...

ACPI multiprocessor PC (current driver)
MPS Multiprocessor PC
Standard PC

I am afraid that if I select Standard PC, this may do something bad with respect to the dual processor.

 I am also reluctant to turn off several other items in MSConfig, mainly those pertaining to wireless.
Does anyone have experience with a dual processor machine, and getting it to work with Mach?
One other note, every second time I run the driver test, the computer freezes...hard reboot. Just opening Mach 3 has also frozen the computer twice.....

« Last Edit: July 04, 2006, 05:38:49 PM by yukonho »

Offline ART

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Re: Centrino duo dual processor notebook and mach3
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2006, 06:03:45 PM »

  Your confusing apic with apci, they are differetn animals. Acpi is the power interface used to save battery power. It may eb the issue, it commonly is.
Some have found that using the Standard PC driver that it cleans it up. On the other hand, soem have found the spikes dont affect them. I woudlnt do anything
unless you know the motors dont work properly..

Re: Centrino duo dual processor notebook and mach3
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2006, 07:16:28 PM »
Hi Art.
OK, I will see what happens once I get the motors all hooked up.
Frustrating computer day, all in all, I am happy to leave this alone for a bit.

Offline ART

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Re: Centrino duo dual processor notebook and mach3
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2006, 09:06:36 PM »
Frustrating computer days are the norm for me. Just drop it occasionally when it gets too frustrating...go watch an episode of the beverly hillbillies. Jethro always calms me down.. :)

Re: Centrino duo dual processor notebook and mach3
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2006, 01:08:30 AM »
Thanks for the advice Art. I went out to the CE-ment pond and did some ricochet shootin'. After that, granny had some viddles ready, and I pert near forgot all 'bout that thar confuser thingy.