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Author Topic: Help with reversed order entities  (Read 8698 times)

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Offline Sage

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Help with reversed order entities
« on: October 09, 2008, 08:57:54 AM »
LazyCam reverses the machining order of entities and I can't figure a way to put them back in the order I want them.

Attached is a simple dxf file of a cam lobe.
I Load the file into LazyCam - Mill.
Clean it, and optimize it works fine. You get a simple cam with minimum of 4 entities and the order of their machining in the chain is clockwise just how I want it.
 I need to apply an offset so it can be machined with a 1/4" in mill so I select the chain and apply an outside offset with clockwise order. LazyCam creates this properly and the entities in the new offset chain are in the correct clockwise order.
For some reason it adds some extra very short entities but I can ignore that for now.
I no longer need the original chain so I delete it. No problem.
The problem starts here.
 I don't like the way the start of the machining is right at the tip of the cam lobe. (this appears to move around depending on if you clean and optimize or even do the whole thing over but this is mostly where it starts machining for me).
So without any information I assumed I can drag the start point to somewhere else, maybe along the left side and I also drag the origin to the left a bit so the tool approaches from the left on more of a tangent to the flat rising side of the cam lobe. When I do that, the order of the entities making up the chain become reversed and I can't see a way to get them back in the correct clockwise machining order.
Does anyone know how to re-order entities.

« Last Edit: October 09, 2008, 09:00:26 AM by Sage »

Offline docltf

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Re: Help with reversed order entities
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2008, 11:09:36 AM »
double click your direction arrow,and a dialoge box will open,set it to auto.


Offline Sage

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Re: Help with reversed order entities
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2008, 12:25:34 PM »
Where is this "Direction Arrow" ?
If your talking about the dot at the end of the rapid line (or the lead-in line)  double clicking that opens up the lead-in line diag box. In there is a setting for auto as you mention but it does'nt do anything to re-order the entities.

A real basic manual simply outlining the basic functionality of LazyCam would be in order here. Yes I'm aware of the videos.


Offline budman68

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Re: Help with reversed order entities
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2008, 01:02:21 PM »

We'd all LOVE a manual, but alas, they don't have time to write one, I guess. I had heard that someone was supposed to have written one (in German maybe?) and it was going to be translated for us. Well that was a while ago and I recently posted a question about this to Brian Barker and he said he would ask that person who was going to translate it but it pretty much got swept under the rug....again.

As for putting the entities and chains in the order you'd like it to cut, you have to drag them into that order. Yes, I know you saw the videos but they show exactly how to do this.

Let us know how you make out, ok?

Just because I'm a Global Moderator, don't assume that I know anything !

Dave->    ;)

Offline Sage

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Re: Help with reversed order entities
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2008, 02:43:48 PM »
Dragging only works to put CHAINS in the order you want them to be acted on. ENTITIES are the basic pieces inside the chains. It doesn't appear you can do much with them. Hence the question.

I stand corrected if you saw someting in the videos about dragging ENTITIES.
If so let me know. I'll apologize and take another look.


Offline budman68

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Re: Help with reversed order entities
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2008, 04:46:54 PM »
My apologies to YOU, as I simply thought you mean the chains overall. I also do not think you can change order of entities but mine always seem to be "in order". In other words, lets say I have the letter "S" to cut. Obviously the whole chain is the complete letter S and if I click the little "plus" next to that chain, it expands and shows every single entity in that chain. Now if I click on the first entity and hit the down arrow on my keyboard, it goes right through each entity in order from one point of the "S" all the way around itself and right back to it.

Now if I apply an offset to the "S" and delete the original, and then relocate the cutting start point, I'm still not having the problem you're having. Try this, when you're offsetting, try zooming in as close as you can as Art has in the past, said this makes a difference. Worth a shot, right?


Just because I'm a Global Moderator, don't assume that I know anything !

Dave->    ;)

Offline docltf

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Re: Help with reversed order entities
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2008, 05:41:05 PM »

is this what you are after,attached is a lcam file.the offset is done with a .250 tool clockwise.your original layer is still there but has been set disabled.when i imported your dxf my connection line tolerance is set to
.001 -- i am using lcam ver 3.00.2


Offline Sage

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Re: Help with reversed order entities
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2008, 06:23:02 PM »
Yes, Your file seems to be ok. Why is the question? What did you do different from the process I described in the first post. MY connection tolerance is fine (also .001). This is evidenced by the original import of the DXF file which is clean and has only 4 simple arcs the way it was drawn in Acad. It's only when you move the rapid point that it screws up.
Did you try moving the rapid line and start point??

Budman68: You are correct there is something fishy connected with zooming in. When I zoomed in on the point at the end of the rapid as I moved it the entities did remain in the correct order A COUPLE OF TIMES. Then I guess I didn't zoom in the magic "enough" and moved the point and the entities re-ordered themselves and were then screwed.

I'm using what is reported in help\about as version 2.61 but I'm pretty sure I downloaded the version posted by Ron Gingery in a message here recently (January??). I also understand the version numbers are all screwed up so who know what I'm running.

Maybe you can point me to the version you have. As I understand it the latest version on the MACH website is not the newest one. The one posted here is apparently newer.

It's all very confusing an pretty hoakey. If it wasn't for the fact that it sort-of-works and I have no immediate alternative I'd ask for my license fee back.

Having said that. I'll will stick with it because I have faith in the author. When we finally get to the bottom of this it will be another chapter in the manual.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 09:44:17 AM by Sage »

Offline Sage

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Re: Help with reversed order entities
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2008, 07:18:44 PM »
Ok. It looks like V3.00.2 from the Mach website corrects this "out of order entities" problem. Still not sure if this is the latest since I thought the one posted by Ron was supposed to be newer but I trust that the website should have the latest and greatest. I'll see what happens. I can't recall what the posted one was supposed to fix.

SO another question:

How do you get rid of all the tiny entities created when you do an offset.

You will notice your file has a bunch of extities not in the original dxf (originally only 4 simple arcs in the file).


Offline budman68

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Re: Help with reversed order entities
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2008, 07:42:30 PM »
That's the exact version I'm using as well. As for the entities, mine creates 8 total (0-7) but they are indeed in order and would cut in one smooth path. Is 8 an issue?

Just because I'm a Global Moderator, don't assume that I know anything !

Dave->    ;)