Here is a plug in that will let you add upto 3 spindles across the Modbus (serial or TCP). One of the three will be the standard Mach OEM spindle.
It is Targeted toward a "Drop Spindle Lathe" with "Live Tooling". So bascially you can control upto 3 Analog driven Spindle motors. The Second and Third cannot Thread, but you can control:
ON, OFF, Speed, Enable, CW, CCW, Plus Options on: Upto 4 General purpose inputs, 4 General purpose outputs, Per motor.
Each motor will put out ONE Analog output for speed control, and each can have upto 2 Analog inputs, one for External spindle speed override, and one for True Spindle speed feedback.
You have the usual "User assiganed DROs and LEDs for setting up".
I included a Lathe 3 Spindle screen set in the installer, that also installs the S2 and S3 motor control Macros....... (Please Read the "Help" Flash that comes up when you push the "Help button" on the config screen.
This Plug in has a "Tabbed Config Dialog", and to configure it, you find its config in under the "Plugin Control" menu.
Special Thanks to: Ed Bryson, after I stuggled for 3 weeks trying to get tabbing to work, and all those incomplete info on MSDN. He found and example on Code Project and within 30 minutes of his help, my Tabbing was working, he also helped me get the Plugin config into the menu. My many, many thanks Ed.
******************** EDIT ***********************
Here is a NEW 3 Spindle installer, it has the new screen set (that turns off the S2/3 Spindle CW/CCW Leds), fixes a label, Also the xml is fixed
where the VB scripter window appears over the screen (had to drag it back from my second screen.......... ).