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Author Topic: Feed rate after tool change problem  (Read 13633 times)

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Offline Hood

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Re: Feed rate after tool change problem
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2008, 03:02:22 AM »

I can't see REM'ng everything out of M6end

not sure what you are meaning Kristin?



Offline Kristin D

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Re: Feed rate after tool change problem
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2008, 10:45:33 AM »

I was thinking of modifying the part

if(IsSafeZ() = 1) Then
   SafeZ = GetSafeZ()
   if  SafeZ  > z then StraightTraverse x, y,SafeZ, a, b, c

TO something like

if(IsSafeZ() < z) Then
   SafeZ = GetSafeZ()
   if  SafeZ  > z then StraightTraverse x, y,SafeZ, a, b, c

or something like that (I'm no programmer) may allow those of us doing manual tool changes to jog up/down zero the tool and continue.

Haven't had time to really look at it and decypher what's going on got some outdoor work to finish before the rains come and a machine rental coming this weekend to make the dirt fly!

Re: Feed rate after tool change problem
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2008, 11:40:02 AM »
I think a better solution (for my situation anyway) would be to see if any moves were made durin the tool change stop.

If no moves were made, then don't do anything. No need to move to safe z.

As I have a lot of production jobs that use a single tool, the first run of the day requires me to verify tool and alignment. After that, I just want to run. The tool change stop just means that I have to hit start twice and walk away after loading the jig. As x,y, and z are not touched between runs, there is no need to move to safe z.

I don't have time now to write the M6end macro changes but basically another IF statement at the top to test if the Start X,Y,Z a,b,c are equal to the current X,Y,Z,a,b,c. If they are not equal then run the rest of the macro. If they are equal then no need to do anything so just exit.

I'll work out the code when I get some time. It's been a crazy week here.


Offline Kristin D

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Re: Feed rate after tool change problem
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2008, 12:06:33 PM »
Thanks Ted,

I'll have to give that a shot if I get a free momment, I have a Bobcat loader and auger due here Sat morning and still need to get my fence plans approved, mark up the lot, do a BOM of the parts... not much time to play with the mill this week.

Re: Feed rate after tool change problem
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2008, 04:56:57 PM »
This modification to the M6 End macro seems to work fine for me. If no moves were made during the tool change stop, the macro does nothing. If a move WAS made, the macro runs as originally intended.

REM The default script here moves the tool back To m6start If Any movement has occured during the tool change..
REM Changes made by Ted G. to stop this from running if no moves were made by user during tool change stop..

x = GetToolChangeStart( 0 )
y = GetToolChangeStart( 1 )
z = GetToolChangeStart( 2 )
a = GetToolChangeStart( 3 )
b = GetToolChangeStart( 4 )
c = GetToolChangeStart( 5 )
CurX = GetDro(0)
CurY = GetDro(1)
CurZ = GetDro(2)
CurA = GetDro(3)
CurB = GetDro(4)
CurC = GetDro(5)

Moved = 0
if CurX <> x then Moved = 1
if CurY <> y then Moved = 1
if CurZ <> z then Moved = 1
if CurA <> a then Moved = 1
if CurB <> b then Moved = 1
if CurC <> c then Moved = 1

if Moved = 1 then
   if(IsSafeZ() = 1) Then
   SafeZ = GetSafeZ()
   if  SafeZ  > z then StraightTraverse x, y,SafeZ, a, b, c
       StraightFeed  x, y,  z  , a, b, c
       Code"G00 X" & x & "Y" & y
       end if
end if