Couldnt think of a good title for this thread but here is the problem.
With SS running and all my settings the same as pre SS , when I call out a distance for the x axis to move, g01 x5.00 f2.00 , the DRO will read x5.0045 and the dial indicator I am using also confirms thats the actual distance the table has traveled. After that move if I type g01 x0.00 f2. , the table moves and stops at x.0045 , confirmed by both the DRO and the dial indicator . It doesnt matter what my initial call out is x5.00 or x25.00 it always moves an additional .0045 when starting from zero and always moves back to .0045 when I call out x0.00 .
It also doesnt matter if its a rapid move or g01 , also doesnt matter what the feed rate is , f.5 or f40. , always the same .0045 overshoot when starting from zero . based on the fact that it does this even at a crawl I dont think its an issue of inertia or overshooting .
I can call out x 8.00 starting from x0.00 and it will move to x8.0045 , I can then call out x10.00 and it moves to x 10.0045 , then call out x12.00 and it moves to x12.0045 , from that point call out x0.00 and it moves to x0.0045 , the .0045 isnt added at each move , just the initial move off x0.00.
If I call out x5.00 and the machine moves to x5.0045 and I then zero the x axis , call out x5.00 again it will again travel x5.0045
Apologies for the confusing description I just want to accuratley point out whats happening . The machine also has nice tight ball screws and virtualy no backlash and the backlash compensation settings are all at zero .