hello i using 3 analog pots on peter modio feed,rapid override,spindle override,
they all have steps eg on the feed and spindle are 0,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110%
rapid is 0 , 25,50,100%
feed is on analog 3, slave 1 i have work this bit out as address 8 ,config 1, serial set up etc
on the brains i can get the 0 -1024 bit aok
so how can i get this to set the steps up
one way i can see is
analog3 is less then eg20 the set dro to 0
analog3 is more then eg20 less then 120 set dro to %20
this will work but their is a lot of rungs to do, is their a formula to do it. i have gone thick and don't have a place to start from.
please help or some one post me some sort brain they have done so i have a start
thanks Adrian locker