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Author Topic: Rules of this section.  (Read 75199 times)

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Rules of this section.
« on: May 09, 2006, 12:11:46 AM »
You may create ONE thread in this section that either promotes, or discusses your product.
You may only post a promotion, so long as your product either supports Artsoft software, or is supported by Artsoft Software.
Your product must not be in competition with any current Artsoft software, and we reserve the right to remove your promotion if we build new software that then makes your software competitive.
You may post images about your product, but they must be no bigger than 800 x 600, and they must be hotlinked to your server and not uploaded to this forum. The odd exception is OK, but this exception is not to be abused.

These rules may be edited as we see the direction of this section progress.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2006, 12:14:41 AM by ynneb »